Friday, November 30, 2007

Blessing for All

Christ Jesus came to bless all nations. He is the fulfillment of God's promises.
It is because of Christmas month, and a need for a break that I inform you the reader or readers who come here of this.
There will be no further posts until after the New Year. Until then, have a wonderful Christ filled Christmas and a Blessed-Happy New Year.
In Christ love,

Monday, November 19, 2007

Another Blessing from God

In a couple of the past post, as a matter of fact the last two; I may have seemed a bit discouraged. I was. Discouragement is a horrible thing, but one thing I can say about it is that when you get lifted out - you really know it.

There have been a really great event of news that has not gotten out a long ways, and that is Madge and I are going to be grandparents once again. I won't say which of our kids yet, but it is supposed to be due in early July. Used to you didn't even know you were expecting that quick, but technology has a way.

I also returned to the doctor today to see about my BP, and surprise of surprise, he released me to return to driving the School Bus. That tickled my goat. That is a good thing. Most adults would not think of another adult being glad to get back to driving a School Bus. People in their right mind wouldn't be driving a School Bus; or so I have heard and as we bus drivers often kid around about. I drove the evening route today, and was glad to be back, and the other drivers were glad to see me back.

One of the things that helps me enjoy driving the Bus is the other drivers, the supervisor, and mechanics, and the School Administration and Board. Cassville School District is a pleasure to drive for. They pay the drivers the best of any School District in the State of Missouri, provide health insurance, sick days, get 2 personal days per school year (paid), and paid holidays. Not many School Districts provide such a good package. The best thing is the people I work with. Mostly a lot of fun to be around.

I am thankful to be back to driving the bus again, and I pray God will use me to be a faithful witness for His glory, and will bless the Carr Lane Baptist Church greatly too. I want to express a word of thanks to all who prayed for me these past two weeks. God has answered and heard you. Bless the holy name of Jesus, Son of the Living God, and who is God incarnate.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Update - Autumn

This is just to update all who are interested concerning my blood pressure and such. I was not given permission to return to driving the school bus. The blood pressure was down at home, but back up when I went to the doctors office. Because of that he told me to come back "Next Monday" - that will be on the 19th, and check it again.
I went off to Springfield yesterday, ie., Friday Nov. 16, and forgot to take some of my meds with me so now I may be back where I was a week ago.
I now have an appointment set with a cardiologist for December 5th, however if I have no job driving the school bus I have no insurance. If I have no insurance I will not be going to the cardiologist. Things like that are too expensive. I have a pretty strong heart. The only one who can stop is my Creator, God and Savior. Please pray for my family and me.
O, Lord, I am in YOUR hands. YOU are the Great Physician.

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

The Autumn of the Year

I just looked in the MIRRIAM/WEBSTER DICTIONARY to make sure I was spelling the word "Autumn" correctly. I was, and noticed the definition was, "The season between Summer and Winter." That is a correct definition.
I must admit Autumn or Fall is not my favorite season of the year. It has its beauties, with the changing of the leaves on the trees, especially here in the State of Missouri; the hills are full of color. It is amazing how our God paints such a beautiful picture even in the picture of aging and dying. Therein lies the reason Autumn is not my favorite time of year. I appears as death and dying. It is not that I fear dying or death, because I know where I am spending eternity, and that is with my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
One of the things I don't like about it is the cold. I like being warm, and even being hot is not as hard to bear. I can cool down much easier and in a more enjoyable fashion, than by trying to get warm. When it turns cold, I am never warm; that is not to say that I am freezing or anything like that. The cold just gets in me, and I am not warm until Spring comes around again.
I am not liking this Fall especially. I went to the doctor yesterday, and my blood pressure was way high, and he grounded me/suspended me from driving the School Bus. It is for an indefinite period. I am hopeing that when I go back to see him on Monday he can renew my health certificate and I can get back to driving. I am appreciative of a Supervisor at the School who is willing to work with me, give me a medical leave, keep my route for me, and get paid while I am off too. I have twenty days of sick leave, so that should be taken care of. One thing the doctor told me was that he was going to get me an appointment with a cardiologist. I don't know when that will be yet.
If things don't work out with driving, then, I know the Lord has something greater in mind. This Fall/Autumn is the season of color, and a reminder that life on this earth is not forever. God is in control of life and that is what makes the whole year, and the four seasons so interesting. Life might be a little boring if every day was the same, and every season of the years, as well as the seasons of life.
My wife and I went to the Missouri Baptist Convention the week of October 29-31 at the Tan-Tara Resort on the Lake of the Ozarks. It is a beautiful location, the weather was great, and some events of the Convention were disappointing; but the preaching was great, and the singing was fantastic. God is good.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Taking Tests

When I was in school, whether it was Elementary or High School I hated tests. it really didn't matter what kind of test; I just hated them.

Entering into the grown up work force and life's reality I learned that every body has tests, even we adults. The problem with life's reality tests is that sometimes you don't know you are taking the test. There is no one who will tell you, "We are having a test tomorrow over the studied text", and you sometimes have no way of knowing what's going to be on the test.

Since my last article here at "To Everything...A Season" where I wrote of the song "I Choose", and how it had been a real encouragement to me. If you don't remember read the previous post. I do know the chorus a bit better now, and I did notice that I used the wrong word for a song chorus, and wrote "course". I knew better I just didn't catch what I had written.

The song's chorus is this way; "I choose to believe You are faithful, and my heart is in your hands; that this mystery I face today is part of a greater plan. I choose not to be discouraged when the sun will not break through. I have the choice of trusting You; so Lord, this is what I choose." It is still a source of encouragement to me.

The only thing that has changed is that I have been and I am presently being tested to how sure and true this is to my life. Sometimes I just wonder if I missed God's real calling for my life. I do believe, having studied the Scriptures for over 33 years that every Christian has a calling in their life. That doesn't mean being a pastor, missionary, or anything like that. It just means some Christians are called to be farmers, school teachers, policemen [or any form of law enforcement], soldiers, dog catchers, doctors, nurses, carpenters, bus drivers, and you could add your own occupation or vocation here.

Whatever it is God has called you to be content in doing it. And, do it as unto the Lord. I do know one thing for sure. If you believe God is calling you to a work, then, you better go to it as soon as He calls. Delayed obedience is disobedience. Think about what happened to Jonah.

I still dislike tests, but today I have a better understanding of why we have them. They strengthen our resolve to get done what we know we need to get done. They also show us things about ourselves we didn't know before. Like, how durable and faithful we really are. Then, we can give God the Son and His Father all the glory.

Monday, October 01, 2007

A Word of Encouragement

For some days now, up until this past week, I have been greatly discouraged and wondering what my ministry is really worth. With the problems at church, and some of our own personal problems I just sometimes wonder.

As I was driving home from picking up kids on the School Bus I was listening to the Christian Radio station I have on in the car, and they played a song which picked me up and made me do some thinking. The words of the course go something like this, and I am doing this from memory: "I choose to believe You are faithful, that grace is in Your hand. This mystery that I face today is part of a greater plan. I choose not to be discouraged when the sun does not break through, I've made the choice of choosing You", and of course this is addressed to God and His Son.

I really want the words of the song. It is titled "I Choose", and I don't know the group who does it either. It is such a wonderful song which puts the thoughts on the Father and His Son rather than our situation in life.

It seems that discouragement is so easy. It doesn't take much to get me anyway, and I don't need that junk. I say "Junk", because that is what discouragement really is is J.U.N.K. Someone once said, "Discouragement is from the devil", and that is for certain. It is especially true for the Christian. The devil doesn't want us living in victory, and courage; so he does whatever he can to bring us down.

The next time I sense a bout of discouragement; I will redirect my thinking to the One who has all those matters in His hand. Join me in courage in the Lord Jesus.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Just Another Rambling

It seems that most of the thoughts I write here are just ramblings. What I am doing is writing what is presently on my heart. Some of it is basically meaningless, at least to those who may read it; other than myself.
Sometimes I get really aggravated with people. Adults, especially Chrisitian adults, sometimes just need to put their feelings aside and go on with the way life is. Brush those feelings off the sleeve and go on loving like Jesus calls us to. Maybe I have grown hard, and don't let accusations bother me anymore. It bothers me more what the accuser is doing to themselves. It bothers me more that they are telling things to others and turning them off of Christ. It hurts to see my Christian brothers and sisters behaving so childishly.
Another thing is why do kids [children to you more sophisticated folks] not understand the safety rules for riding on a school bus. You know the simple things; like, stay in your seat; no standing, turning around backwards in the seat, no crawling on the floor - in the aisle or under the seats, no eating or drinking on the bus. These are all safety issues. If one child makes a sudden movement or scream this distracts the driver, and could very easily cause an accident. Today I caught a elementary age boy sneaking a candy treat from his case, and I asked him to bring it to me. He was upset. When he got off the bus at his home he asked if he could have his snack, and I told him no. I think that really upset him. He lost it. Period.
That's about enough of ramblings for today. Until next time. Say, after the Autumn begins.

Monday, September 03, 2007

Loose Lips

The lies people tell are not just little "white lies". Lies are destructive. They harm people, and even the one who is telling them.

There is a phrase which has been said for years, "Loose lips sink ships", and man, is that ever so. The ship that lies sink will be the life of the one whose lips are loose. No home, church, or organization can long exist when lies are told.

Malicious lies are especially harmful. That is, when someone lies to purposely harm or hurt another person, or organization. This form of lying is one which God calls an abomination. That is in the same line as gross sexual immorality. No liar has any part with God.

I guess I am writing this because lies have recently been told of myself. They have been exposed for what they are, ie., the lies. The person involved has not acknowledged any involvement, but offered this apology, "I am sorry for all the words that have been said". Now, when this individual has been the one saying them, that is not much of an apology. I pray that this individual will get their personal life right with God. Any one who lies like this is not right with Him, and have opened their lives for judgment; unless they seek forgiveness from Him.

This individual has left our church. I believe the Lord takes care of problems in His Church. I just pray this does not go to the church they are not in.

The lies told were not lies of any real merit. They would not do any real harm to me. As a matter of fact, I originally laughed about it, and I still laugh about it, except for the harm it could do to our church. One lie was that I had, during VBS (Vacation Bible School) in July, dropped off some of the kids along the main highway, and had them walk home. I drove the bus. The closest I came to that was dropping them off on the edge of the road that runs about 200 yards from their home. It was also told that I refused to take the kids home on Friday evening, the night of Parent's Night. The bus did not run that evening. The parents/guardians were responsible for seeing their child arrived, and were returned home.

Because of these things some of the people of our church has left, and say they are not returning. When I have spoken to some of this matter, they tell me their leaving has nothing to do with those things. It is always something else.

May God forgive us all. And He does.

In the end, "Loose lips" still "sink ships".

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Back To School

Since my last post School has started and I have driven the bus seven and one half days. I took the morning of August 22 off, because my Dad was supposed to have surgery, actually amputation of his right foot and part of the leg. That has been due to lack of circulation to the foot, due to vein removal for his heart a few years ago.

They ended up not doing the surgery because the anesthesiologist saw a problem in one of the tests concerning his heart, and would not allow it to proceed. He has now been back for more of those tests, passed them, and now the surgery is rescheduled for Monday the 27th. He is supposed to check in at 11 a.m.

I am still driving the same bus that I drove at the end of the last School year. Old Bus 23. The mechanics of the School did some work on her, and she runs much better this year than she has in a long time. She is still a bit sluggish on take off. Her zero to sixty time is probably about 2 minutes. If I ever get her to sixty.

There are not a whole lot of people who can say they drive a vehicle with a price range of eighty thousand dollars. Yellow as a color in automobiles is growing in popularity, but it is usually a slightly different yellow than a School Bus.

The kids on the buses are being kids. Some of them get slightly overly active. Then, something must be done. They do have a problem obeying rules. Rules to remain seated. Rules that are for their safety, and the safety of all on the bus and all who are on the road, at times.

As I was driving down one part of my curvacious road one day I saw a puff of torn papers in my driver's side mirror fly through the air. I did not see who did it. What could I do. All I did was ask who threw it out. To no surprise, I received no answer. This is a generation of people who are supposed to be so concerned about our environment. I am not so concerned about paper, it will go back from whence it came.

I guess "Litter-bugging" is one of my pet peaves. I cannot stand seeing people throwing trash out the windows of their cars or leaving it where they have brought it; like to a campground, or picnic area. It is ugly on some beautiful highways in the USA as well.

Anyway, School is back in session, and it may be a long School year. I plan on making the most of it and living for my Lord.

Friday, August 10, 2007

More Summer Rambling

Well, it appears that I will be driving the School Bus anyway. I am thankful for that. I went to the doctor yesterday, and we got me approved for a three month period, and I will need to go in for periodic BP checks.

That takes a big gorilla off my back. That is an extra income which also provides our health insurance. The Lord, of course, is our greatest provider and means of our sustenance. He does, however, call us to our work, and to do it as unto Him. I am just thankful for all His provision of grace and mercy.

It just seems that a whole load of pressure has been lifted off my back. That alone does not help a persons BP. I appear to people as being mild mannered, easy going, and I have had people to tell me that they are surprised that someone with my demeanor could have high BP. The reason for that may be that I keep things in, rather than exploding. I want to say with that, that there are times I release them, by my writing in my journal. I have also found blogging a release and renewing as well.

The school I drive for will begin on August 16. That is next Thursday. In the hottest time of Summer. Our temps here in Southwest Missouri have been at or near the century mark. Air conditioning sure feels good when it is like this.

Last night our son Timothy, his wife Sarah, and their kids Naomi, and Josiah were over, and we barbecued a couple of t-bone steaks and burgers. Man, was that good stuff. I told you this was more Summer rambling.

Saturday, August 04, 2007

Summer Ramblings

Summer is nearing an end, at least as far as School vacation is concerned. The teachers and administrators are gathered at the School during the week days getting things all situated and ready to go, and they have had the physicals for all who need them; like the Bus Drivers, and there are others,

I went for mine on Tuesday, July 31, and failed my physical. I have a problem with my blood pressure being too high. It was high when I went in for my physical. The doctors have ran test on me, even did MRI's and MRA's (Maybe the same, I don't know), they have done stress test and found nothing causing it. These have all been prior to July 31 of this year.

It really has me perplexed. I take three medications for blood pressure, but it seems they do no good. I feel pretty good with the exception of when I get discouraged, or depressed concerning these matters. I know blood pressure is a life or death matter, but then, I see every day as a blessing from God, and know that whether I live or whether I die it is of the Lord.

Some have told me I should get disability for my blood pressure, but I really don't think I could get it and remain a pastor; and I don't think that is what God would have me do. Preaching and pastoring is what God has called me to do, and I will probably die doing that.

This may sound gruesome to some, but my prayer to the Lord, concerning my death is that I would die in one of three or four ways. The first one being to die while preaching His Word in the pulpit. The second, to die on my knees while in prayer. The third, to die while a soul I have dealt with is praying to Jesus for salvation; and the fourth, to just die while I am asleep. I see no problem in asking my Lord and Savior for this. I know that I have no say over the time or place, but those are my requests.

I am ready and anxious to meet my Savior face to face. There are many unredeemed here that I have failed to tell about Jesus, His death on the cross taking the judgment of sin that was mine/ours, being rejected by His Father because He had become the very thing that He despised, and took all the wrath for all sin. Jesus was buried carrying all our sins away, and leaving them in the depths of the ocean and cast as far away as East is from West. On the third day He rose from the grave for our justification (right with God) by God's declaration; and He lives forever seated at the right hand of God the Father.

If the Lord allows me to continue to drive the School Bus, that will be great, if not maybe I can spend more time with my church people. I would certainly not mind that at all.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

The Stinker Family

There was a family, and their neighbors called them, "The Stinkers". That is the name they had lived with for many generations. There were times when they would gather together, and everything would be just great, but then, there would be times they gathered and boy! what a stink that would rise.

It seemed upon their once per week meeting everything went well. They would even bring in their dinners once per month, sit down together at their tables, talk and enjoy their meal. When there were new things to do however there would almost always be one stinker who would rise up and start calling the rest of the family.

Everything in these special things could be going really well, but because one Mrs. Stinker was not in charge she would call others who were not present telling them that another stinker was being mean to the kids, and treating them unfairly. Can you imagine one Stinker working against another Stinker. All you get is STINK.

It is a shame that one Stinker cannot get along with another Stinker. One Mrs. Stinker says to the other Mrs. Stinker, "Well that Mr. Stinker of our family, he really doesn't know how to be a leader." The phones start ringing and the ears of all the Stinkers start buzzing. Lips start yapping, and in the end there is no peace.

What are the Stinkers going to do? What is their Creator going to think about the stink that is being raised within the Stinker family? The domineering female Stinker will need to cease and desist in her stink making, and seek to yield to the leading of the Creator. As long as any of us Stinkers think we can control the family we will continue to stink.

Aren't we all stinkers at times?

Monday, July 16, 2007

Some Good Stuff

The past two weeks have been pretty busy for my wife and I. We have enjoyed the days though. On the fourth of July we had our Blankenship family, friends and neighbors celebration down at the swimming hole, with picnic, fireworks and all. On the weekend preceeding the ninth we had our kids and grandkids at the house for our annual family get together.

My previous writing was concerning produce in our garden, which has been greatly neglected. With the rain and lack of time to get to it it has only been tilled one time. Yet, it is producing. My wife Madge and I went on Friday and dug some new potatoes, picked some green tomatoes, some bell peppers and some cucumbers.

On the ninth Madge and I headed to Mt. Vernon, MO. to join others in the kitchen of Baptist Hill Campground for Barry County Southern Baptist Association's annual Children's Camp. We were about a dozen strong doing kitchen work, cooking, distributing salads, drinks, cereals, and such as that. It was a long day for about four days. The day started for me at 4 a.m. with my regular devotion times, then, at 5 would go to the cafeteria where some of the men would have a cup of coffee and fellowship a few minutes before getting breakfast started.

As soon as breakfast was over and the pots and pans were clean we started lunch, then as soon as lunch was over we started preparing for supper (dinner). There was rarely a time to relax. I don't mean that as a complaint. The time flew by. It was also a joy to see those 280 campers come by getting their meals. Many of them were saying "Thank you" as they went through the line being served the food for that meal. That was a great thing.

One of the best things was having a young lady tell of her receiving Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior. An update from our Director of Missions was that there were 20 decisions for salvation. That is sure one of the worthy affects of camp. We praise our God of grace and mercy

Monday, July 09, 2007

A Producing Garden

It seems as though we have had plenty of rain this year, so far. The month of July, usually a hot and dry month has yet to produce much rain; some but not much. Of course, we are only 9 days into it.

Now concerning our producing garden. I have not seen it, but I have been told, that our garden is producing things like bell peppers, tomatoes, and that the potatoes are going to be ready soon. I have not seen it because I have not been in it recently. The abundance of rain has kept us from getting in the garden on our schedule. It has grown up with the weeds, but Hey! if it is producing let it produce. I am going to have to get over there and get some of the fruits of my labor.

My wife planted some tomato plants here at our home we are living in. I think three plants, and they are planted in buckets. They are doing well, and looking pretty decent. Tomatoes are growing on them. Our Creator is the one who gives the increase of produce. To Him alone we are grateful.

Every life should be like a garden. It should not necessarily be like ours. It looks neglected with the weeds growing. The ground grows hard and with it hard it is hard to pull weeds as well as being hard to run a tiller through it. Gardens should be worked at least once per week. The life of the Christian requires daily weeding, tilling and preparing for produce. One day Jesus Christ is going to come and gather His produce. What will He have to gather.

We are called to be diligent to the service of our Lord and Savior. If you are not, make a commitment today to get into God's Word. Read it. Study it. Most of all let God's Word read you.

Saturday, June 30, 2007

A Weight

When I got out of bed this morning there seemed to be a weight on me which I had no explanation for. It may just be concern for my Dad, as he is having problems with his foot once again, and they want to amputate, but he doesn't.
Dad believes that the Lord has assured him that he is going to keep his foot. If Dad has that assurance I believe him, and that is how I prayed last night as we met and had prayer.
We, ie., my wife Madge, Mom and Dad, Judy (my sister), her husband David, Dave and Edna Eaton (David's Mom and Dad), Duffy and Dawn Guyton (David's sister and her husband from Memphis, TN.) got together at the Eaton's home and had a time of prayer specifically for Dad's foot and leg. I am believing that God is going to renew that foot and leg.
Dad has said he is willing to receive God's will in the matter, as am I. God's will and plan is the most desired plan of all.
As for that weight on me; I really just don't know why it is there. The spiritual condition of the Nation, the world. I am anxious for the return of Jesus for His Church. I pray that the many whom I am praying for for salvation will be saved.
It is not God's will that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.
May the Lord help me with this weight. As I write this and express it I can feel some of that weight lifting. Thank YOU Lord.
If you are a Christian; in your time of prayer would you pray for my Dad. I would appreciate it, and pray for God's will and glory.
One more item I want to write about is that I drove the School bus for the last day of Summer School. My cousin Marie called a couple of days before and asked me if I would fill in for her on Friday. I told her I would. I drove the bus my granddaughter Naomi rode for Summer School. She will be in Kindergarten when School resumes in August. She will not be riding my bus at that time. When Naomi got on at the morning run, she gave me a great big hug. Those hugs are great.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Another Funeral

On Saturday morning sometime before the rising of the sun, there was a deadly car accident in or near Rogers, AR., and it was the daughter of a cousin of mine. There was no alcohol or drugs involved, it appears just to have been the affects of a tired young lady.
I received notice of this on Saturday morning from my Mother while I was in Booneville, AR. helping our son and his wife move to their new home. It seems that my cousins daughter pulled out in front of an oncoming vehicle, and she died at the scene. She was only 26 years of age, not married, and had no children. She did have loving parents, a sister, and grandparents [my aunt and uncle], and they will all miss her greatly.
I attended the funeral today, and to me it was a sad event. They gave her all the accolades of praise they could think of, such as, "She always had a sunny disposition, was always smiling, and that she enjoyed life". I guess that is all they could say about her. There was no testimony of faith in Jesus, nor of any commitment to a church. I wept as they applauded her, and were silent about Jesus.
The pastor spoke a very good message concerning having the right foundation, and that foundation being Jesus Christ. I applauded. I hurt and I ache for my cousin, and her parents, and grandparents. If Sunni did not have Jesus, she is no longer smiling. I only pray that she met Him, but has been silent about it, if that is possible.

Monday, June 18, 2007

A Parable Continued

The story of a Certain Man, Speaks Out, and Sister Not Present; hopefully now is a story that can be put to an end.
When there is conflict in a family that is not good. The good Lord never intended conflict, at least not to the point of causing confusion, hurt and distancing one's self from the rest of the family.
The family met for its weekly gathering twice on the first day of the week. The Certain Man was calling for a time of talking with the Father of the family. Before going into the talk Certain man called out a couple of things which needed to be dealt with before addressing the Father. It was not a pleasant thing to do, but it was a necessary thing to do.
Certain Man mentioned the annual family outing to grow the family, and the charges which had been made, and was used to harm the feelings of Speaks Out. The charge was that Certain Man and Speaks Out had gotten together and planned the event without Sister Not Present. Certain Man informed the family that that charge was not true, that it in fact was a lie. The brother who did this was simply trying to cause a family problem.
Certain Man also addressed another issue which had recently came up. That is a charge that he was getting his weekly addresses from electronic devices. Certain Man made it clear that he had not, nor will not do such a thing, but in fact makes posts of these address outlines on the electronic device.
Will the problem be solved? Will the family begin to grow, and put aside all bitterness, wrath, malice, and anger? We can only rely on the Father of the family. He will give us peace.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Rain, Be Thankful for the Rain

For a few years around the parts of Missouri where I currently live and grew up it has been dry during these months with farmers bringing little crops of hay. Ponds have gone dry, and even heard of a well going dry now and then.
We have been getting rain. Today (June 11, 2007) it has rained nearly all day long. There have been flood situations near Joplin and some roads closed, and holding trucks back from making their important deliveries. Now, I can undertand their frustration, because that is their livelihood, and others are dependent upon their getting their good through to them. Let's all remember that many of those goods could not be delivered without water, and in some cases, actually in most cases, that means rain.
Even out in California, where they irrigate most of the time and some of the farmers don't even want it to rain, because that messes up their schedule of irrigation, that water they use comes from somewhere, and some of that comes from the Sierra Mountains, of snow run off coming down to them, and that snow comes from the same place rain does, and God Almighty gives it all.
The aquifer which is really the underground water supplies, [underground lakes, rivers, streams] are supplied by rain, which the good and gracious Lord gives to us all.
Whether we like it or not we all need rain. When it comes in too heavy for our liking or when it comes in little bitty doses; we must be grateful for it all. Without water, without rain, we die.
Rain, Be Thankful for the Rain.

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Tilling the Garden

We have a garden this year. It is down at the place where my Dad grew up. There are several rows of Potatoes - yes I spelled that with e-s, because it is in the plural. It seems as I have mentioned this in a previous article. However, I have not mentioned this before.
Last evening I went and used a tiller, you know, one of those things that has two wheels behind some metal tines which spin under the power of a 5 horsepower engine, or whatever horsepower. It is supposed to really be an aid to keeping the soil around plants loose where it can receive and retain moisture, thus, grow faster and better. You may be thinking, 'This guy grew up on a farm, and he has never used a tiller'. That is because we always either used a hoe, or it was cultivated with another implement behind a tractor, set for the width of the rows.
This was the first time I ever used a tiller. I quickly learned that you do not just walk behind one of them. The operator must maintain control. It would be so much easier if you could just hold the handle bars and walk behind it, but then, what good would that do the garden. The ground does not get broken up that way.
This garden really needed a tilling too. It was weedy between those potato rows, and that was basically all I got done. I was ready to quit by the time I got to that final row of potatoes. Of course, I was ready to quit after the second row was finished, but there were about six more rows to do.
When I did finally quit for the time being, I was as wet as if I had jumped in a shower with all my clothes on, but it was only sweat. My hands, even as I am writing, are hurting from new blisters, and the muscles are acheing as well. I must say that I am thankful to be able to do this. I was there with my Dad, a couple of nephews, and they were planting tomatoes, and peppers, I think. I am not so sure about the peppers.
Just like a garden needs tilling once in awhile to get rid of the weeds, tear up the soil, and such as that, so too, do we who are Christians need to have our lives plowed and the weeds destroyed so that we might better grow, and produce fruit; that is, if the bugs don't get it.

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Death - Not a Pleasant Topic?

My wife just had an older sister to die. I am not afraid of using that word die, because that is what happens when these bodies stop breatheing and the heart stops beating and the mind stops functioning. From the day we are born, and even before, our destiniy on earth will be death. It is not a pleasant topic, but it is a reality of life.
As I said, my wife's sister died on Friday, May 25, 2007 in Fairbanks, AK., and actually I should say in Two Rivers, AK., because that is where Estell and her husband Kidrick lived. Estell had been battling with cancer for several years, and when they sent her home from the hospital the last time they knew it was to die. All knew it was going to come. From all things that I heard of her and her battle with cancer, even to the final day, she held on to her faith in God.
We had her funeral today in Walnut Grove, MO.. It took them that long to get her body shipped on a cargo plane to Missouri. Isn't it amazing how slow a cargo plane is? Pastor Gene Terry preached a wonderful message of grace and everyone's need to know Jesus Christ as their Savior. At the gravesite he pointed out that Estell is not with us any longer, but that she is in heaven with our Lord and Savior, and the only way we will ever see her again is if we know Jesus.
I am very thankful for the grace of God and am glad to say, By the grace of God I know I will see her again, as well as her mother, my grandparents, and some friends who have gone on before me. Most of all I know I will see Jesus, my Lord and my Savior.
I pray all who comes here will know Him. Death isn't so bad, when you know it has been conquered by the resurrection of Jesus, and that He is alive today.

Friday, May 25, 2007

The Price of Gasoline

I am not one to complain; at least not too often. The price of gas, however, gets into the pocketbood, and I have very little there to spare, as many in this great nation of our do.
With Oil Companies making record profits - something I heard around 16 billion dollars in a quarter this year. They say they put those profits back into exploration, but let me say something; PROFITS ARE COUNTED AFTER ALL EXPENSES ARE COUNTED, and that includes EXPLORATION.
Until just a few days ago I had not thought much about that. Someone pointed it out to me, and that is correct. You count profit after all expenses are deducted. Is EXPLORATION not an expense. It is an expense.
There is no doubt that we are the most fuel consuming nation on earth; and we even have some of the cheapest prices, and for that we should be thankful.
These prices, however, are going to put the poor of our country completely out of commission. Maybe we don't care for the poor. Then, we are headed for a really big catastrophe. It will be more than a problem with Oil; it will and is a problem with our Creator.
When gas reached 2 dollars per gallon I had to start watching where, when, and how often I drove. Now that it is 3 dollars plus it has become even more necessary.
I don't guess there is anything that can be done about it. I can be thankful for what I have and realize that God is still in control, and He supplies my every need. I do pray that I can and will be a better steward of His resources. How about you?

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Let Me Tell You About My Days

Today is the first day of Summer vacation from driving the School Bus. I am so glad for Summer vacation. Now, it is not that I dislike kids (and I mean no offense by using the word kids; because I was always called a kid, and it never bothered me), it is just that they have a way; especially when they are screaming, fussing, fighting, playing; and all when they shouldn't be; on getting on your nerves. After nine months of driving them I am ready for this break.
During school my days started on most days at 2:30 to 3:00 a.m. No! I did not have to get up that early to go and drive the bus. I get up that early to have a quiet time with the Lord, pray and read His Word, and to also write articles, and maintain the blogs that I have. I try not to do much, if any blogging during the daylight hours. I leave to drive the bus at 5:15 a.m., then drive approximately 17 miles one way to the bus garage, arrive there at around 5:50 a.m., do the pretrip, and leave to pick up the kids at 6:05 a.m. I have about a twenty five minute drive before I pick up the first student/rider. We then, arrive at the High School to drop off riders at around 7:45 a.m. and then, to the other shortly thereafter. The bus is parked by 7:50 a.m.
Most times I return home for breakfast with Madge (my wife), and after breadfast I am back in the office for studying the Word preparing for Wednesday night Bible Study and the sermons for Sunday morning and evening. I break for lunch around noon, and after lunch, I may take a short nap or return to the office to study some more. It is probably about an even split between which one I do.
At around 2:00 p.m. I return to the bus garage, to return the riders to their homes or sitters. I usually arrive back home around 5:30 p.m. or shortly thereafter. My evenings I usually spend relaxing, watching television news, then, programs Madge and I enjoy watching together, and there are times that I feel I need to update a blog or something like that.
There are some days that I will stay in town, or go down around Carr Lane and visit our church members.
Since School is out my plans are to spend two days other than Sunday and Wednesday on the church field visiting members and the people of the Carr Lane area. I am still planning on arising before the chickens at around 3:00 a.m., during my Summer vacation

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Looking Forward to Summer

Here it is that we are nearly two thirds of the way through Spring, and I am looking forward to Summer. Spring and Summer are my two favorite times of year. Spring because everything starts coming back to life. The trees begin to grow their leaves again, the grass begins to green and grow - now if you hate mowing your yard you will hate that part of it - and the air begins to warm and the blood begins to flow through the veins again. There is life. Summer, because it is warm and sometimes hot. I like heat, but not too much heat. I can stand the heat, and endure the cold, but when it comes to cold, that is all it is enduring.
One thing I am glad of about Summer is that School will be out. It is good that whoever set up our school system to have a Summer break was wise. It is too hot for children to be in classes in July. It is also good, because it gives teachers, and bus drivers a break from the hustle and bustle of those large and tiny voices. Teachers, I do not mean to demean your work, it is a good one, but you are mostly standing facing your students. The bus driver has them all at his back. Remember, someone once said, "A school bus driver is someone who has all his troubles behind him." I like that. Kids are great. They all need teaching and direction. They all need Jesus as their Lord and Savior as well.
I like Summer. I am looking forward to our Fourth of July get together down at the Old Swimming Hole. I am looking forward to my immediate family getting together on my wife's birthday. We have started making that an annual event. The kids will all be here and having fun, barbequeing, eating, drinking sodas, tea, water and juices.
Another thing I am looking forward to this Summer is trying to be the pastor to Carr Lane Baptist Church that I should be. We have Vacation Bible School coming in July 16-20, and we are waiting to here from Angel Food Ministries, and hopefull will be starting that ministry to our area. Making visits in the homes of the people. Visiting homes in the area of our church, and prayerfully pointing some folks to Jesus.
This Summer will be great.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Time To Be Born

The title is of course one in which we ourselves cannot decide. If I did not say that clear enough, let me say it like this. We have no say concerning the time we are born. That time is determined by God Himself, and no one else. He also determines the other end of life, and that is the day or our death.
I did not write the above to be morbid, or frightful. On May 04, 2007 Natalie Joyce Blankenship was born into this world. Her parents are Philip and Sarah Joyce Blankenship.
Natalie is our tenth grandchild. We have eight living and two with Jesus in Heaven. We claim them as our grandchildren, even though we never saw them, but we believe we will when we enter those blessed portals of eternity and see our blessed Savior Jesus Christ.
It is a joy and a blessing to be a part of this life. Without living here there would be no Heaven. We would be none existent. Before we were made we were in the heart and mind of God, and the day of our birth, as well as the day of our death is determined by Him.
I am thankful for these things, for knowing that the future is in the hands of our Almighty God and Father. Thank Him for His sovereignty over all things. Bless His holy name.

Monday, April 30, 2007

God Changes People

It is amazing how God works and changes people. When people are called to faith in Christ by the Spirit of God they believe, trust, obey, and just become all around better people.
Take myself for an example. I was saved at the age of eleven years. God's grace has continually been with me, even though, when I was in my teen years I did things for which I am not proud. I am gravely afraid that I offended the One who loved me enough to give His life for me. I also know that I have even since becoming an adult. It is wonderful and great to know that I am His, and He is mine.
Something has began to happen to me which I really never thought possible. I am enjoying do some garden work. I never enjoyed working in the dirt as a boy, and even into adulthood, and now, here I am fifty two years of age, and I have been riding a tractor, plowing a garden, digging that garden to tear up the sod patches, and smooth the ground using a harrow. Harrow, that is a new farming implement for me. Never used one until today. Got the garden ready for planting.
As I have mentioned in a previous article; I have not plowed ground in many years. The old blue Ford tractor still does not have power steering, and now it definitely wears me out; and probably quicker than the soil gets ready.
God is so good, His mercy is everlasting, and His grace is so full and free.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

A Journal

"I don't know why, but there has been a new hope come in my heart. I don't physically see any hope, but at least there is some in my heart. This hope is for a better financial situation. That maybe all it is, and that is just wishful thinking.
It seems that I have always been a dreamer, but I have never worked toward those dreams. Most of my dreams have always been material oriented, I believe. Even when I have dreamed things in spiritual matters it seems, they have been for my good, and not God's glory. I do not believe I have ever seen any spiritual fruit come from my "spiritual" dreams.
Lord, give me YOUR visions and dreams for YOUR glory alone. AMen."
This was written in my own personal journal by hand on April 22, 2007. I find it rewarding to write thoughts and feelings onto paper. This is the first that I will have shared with the public. I don't think it will be the last. And, BTW, I know you are not supposed to use contractions in writing, unless it is in a quote, or something like that. To Everything...A Season.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

The Smile of God

My wife, Madge and I were getting near home this evening and I had been noticing the moon. You can't see much of it; there is the faint outline of the whole moon, but in darkness; with the exception of a long curved lighted bottom. I had thought that was rather odd.
I do not remember ever seeing the moon in that phase. I said something to Madge about it, and she said, "A smiley face". I told YEAH!, I had not thought of it that way and then, I said, "It's as though God is smiling down on us.
I still think that is a pretty neat moon; especially if it is a reminder of God's good grace toward His people, and a smile to the world of His mercy.
He is smiling down on you. He loves you. Love Him by loving His Son Jesus Christ.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

The Return

It was here for quite a bit of the month of March, at least two weeks. It brought pleasant temps, the ground was warmed, and most people I know loved it. The grass turned green and grew. Flowers blossomed and bloomed. Tulips were popping up in gardens everywhere. Even the oaks were beginning to spring forth with new leaves.
I am, of course, speaking of Spring. It was here and then, it went on a two week vacation. We were left with remnants of Winter. There were mornings when I went out to get in the car, go drive the bus, and the windows were covered in frost. I even started wearing my jacket once again. I love this time of year. Spring and Summer are my favorite seasons. The Falls of the Ozarks are beautiful when the trees begin to change. The colors are beautiful driving through the hills. Winters have their own beauty too, but I cannot stand the cold. I can tolerate, but only because I grew up here and live here.
My wife and I lived in the Northern part of Southern California for 16 months, and I could enjoy that type of Winter for a long time. We moved back here, though, and we love it here.
Like a good, old and faithful friend Spring has returned, and I am hoping he stays around ; at least until Summer arrives.
Welcome back Spring.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Plowing Along

Many have heard someone say, "I am just plowing along", meaning, of course, that they are struggling along with life, but they are progressing. That is not what I mean by the title.
I did something on Monday April 09, 2007 that I had not done in many years. First of all I rode the old farm tractor that I ran into a tree when I was a boy of about twelve years of age. That is right - I ran it into a tree, or maybe I should say, it rolled into a tree after I jumped off to catch my horse or something, and I did not set the brake, and it ran into a tree. It was a brand new tractor at the time. That is not what this is about though.
The reason for riding the tractor was to take it to the old home place where my father grew up, and plow the old garden spot. My Dad told me several months ago that he would like for the family to have a garden spot down at the old house, and nothing was ever done about it. So, I was setting out to do something about it. With my brother Steven's help, we got the tractor and plow ready, and then, I headed over there.
It was a little tough plowing a little piece of ground that had not been plowed in probably thirty five years or more. Old fescue roots build up in that sod, and just make it plumb tough. I don't believe I did a very good job. It had been twenty five years or more since I had plowed anything. The old tractor has no power steering, never did, and it is harder to steer now than it ever was.
Anyway when I returned home I was really tuckered out. I did not do anything all evening. We will be planting some things there soon. Now some reading this may think, "Shouldn't things have been planted already?" Most usually, yes. This year; NO! We have had a freeze the past week. The first week of April has been quite damaging to the things that came out and bloomed. This freeze has even set the oaks back some for sure. So NO! We are in good shape for planting a garden.
Until next time.
Tim A.

Monday, April 02, 2007


As I was driving my School Bus route this morning; it was the first time since beginning this route two weeks ago that I had seen the lake as the sun came up.
I enjoy being up before the sun rises. I use to almost hate being up that early, but I did not know what I was missing. Of course during that time I was also more of a 'Nightowl' and stayed up till all hours of the night and into the morning at times. I know that I would much rather be up and going early and see the sun rising than going on and on and on after sunset.
Now for those who like the sunset, I can also agree with you, but to me there is something special about sunrise. It signals the beginning of a brandnew day. It is the sign of new things. It is hope that this day will be better than the one before.
As I drove by the lake with the sun not yet up over the horizon I could see the reflection of the tree covered Ozarks hills in the waters with the glow of sunrise. I see that and I think, 'My how wonderful our God, our Creator is. That He could make this all for us.'
Let me challenge you; if you have not seen a sunrise in a while try it Tuesday morning April 03, 2007. If you make it that far, then, be thankful that you made it another day.

Friday, March 16, 2007

A Parable

There was a Certain Man and he had a rather large family. Occasionally the family would get together and discuss matters of family interests. On a certain date early during a year the Certain Man standing addressing his family made a statement concerning an annual family Event.
That statement was one encouraging an early start in the planning of the Event. He spelled out some details, and suggested that it be done a little differently than past years. Using materials that were coming from other family, and not using outside help for the production of the Event. This coming Event was a gathering of family and discussion of increasing the family, encouraging the family and just an all around good time.
One of the sisters, Speaks Out, says, "I think it is a good thing that the Certain Man is suggesting. Let's listen to what he says, and see what happens". The matter was put aside for a time, so a Sister Not Present and had been a vital part in the previous Events could have some input into the matter. It was agreed by all to do so.
One of the brothers who was at the meeting called the sister who was not there and told her that the Certain Man and Speaks Out, who spoke in support of the Certain Man, had gotten together before the meeting and discussed the Event. They had not done so.
The Certain Man spoke privately with the Sister Not Present about the Event in the hope of getting things worked out. The Certain Man was pretty insistent on not bringing the outside help from previous years in, but wanted to work with Sister Not Present. The word was still going around that Certain Man and Speaks Out had got together and spoke of the Event without Sister Not Present who in that case should have been meeting with them. The meeting between the Certain Man and Speaks Out did not take place.
Is there an answer to this problem? There must be. First of all in such cases they could question those involved. "Was there a meeting that took place to plan this Event?" A simple question, not the blank and blunt statement, "You two met and planned this all out..." That is not only an accusation, but when the person denies it, it is a declaration of the one denying as lying. There should be no accusation until one knows the truth.
In the second place no one came to the Certain Man to ask him about the matter, they only approached and accused her. These type of things should not happen in families.
The matter of the Event was really only being presented for means of discussion, and approval or rejection. Has it been rejected?

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

What Is It With Kids???

Well here I am back to this blog writing once again. And the title of this one may leave some of you wondering. Wondering what is he going to write in this anyway?
Well! I have mentioned before that I drive a School Bus. Yeah! One of those big yellow, roaring road huggers, and maybe some would say "Road hoggers", because sometimes when you meet us it does seem like we are hogging the road. Don't complain unless you have driven one, and then, you will realize that those things take up most of the lane.
Anyway, back to the "Kids" thing. WHAT IS IT WITH KIDS??? While driving the bus, we have a mirror where we can look back and keep an eye on things, when we are not watching the road; which, by the way, watching the road is the most important thing; that is, if you want those "Kids" home safely.
Here is the thing I am wondering about. When I look into that mirror and I see one of them in one seat, then I return my eyes to the matter of driving, searching the mirrors, watching the road and such things as that; then, look back at those same kids. Only now one or two I have seen in one seat are now in another. It is almost like they think the driver doesn't notice. Do they think we don't know what seat they were in? Do they think we don't know one side of the bus from the other.
You tell them to stay seated, and they turn around backwards in the seat. You know the driver is not supposed to notice. I just pray that none ever get hurt. I sure would not want one to be hurt while I was driving them.
WHAT IS IT WITH KIDS??? They are kids, being kids. I do pray they will learn that the driver does notice, and that is why she/he is constantly on them to stay seated; especially while the bus is in motion.

Sunday, March 04, 2007


This blog use to be called "The Blankenships", however that site has been moved to wordpress, and is doing well. The address on this one has been changed as you can tell, as well as the name so this is basically a new site.
As it says in the title of the blog, "To Everything... A Season", so will this blog be. I may post here once in a while, but I also may not. To Everything.. A Season you know. If I have something to post that will not necessarily fit with the theme of my other blogs I will post it here, and there may be times I will post something here that I posted there.
I will guarantee one thing, there will not be any material here that a child of any age could not or should not see or read. It will be wholesome family oriented materials. If you find otherwise please alert me to it, and I will do my best to make it right.
Please feel free to post a comment in the comment section anytime and for anything. I do ask one thing of you when commenting; keep it clean, keep it simple, keep it civil, and keep it wholesome.
May God Bless You Richly.
Tim A. Blankenship

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

The Blankenship's Blog is Moving

I do not know how many have found this site, but to those who have come on over to Our new site.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Tales of The Life

I will not begin today, but in a few days, after I have had some time to think things over I will begin sharing some personal "Tales", and leave you in awe. :>)
When I was growing up under the care of my father and mother there were some things I did and had happen to me that I do not believe they ever knew about, and some that they did. Some were not so bad as they were stupid. Sometimes they were bad as well.
Anyway, not only will I tell some things on myself, but you may have a hard time telling truth from fiction. I will not tell you the difference.
Isn't it fun to have something called a "Tale" rather than a "Lie"?

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Happy and Blessed New Year

A New Year greeting may be a little late, but I guess you could say, 'Better late than...' The New Year got off to a really good and warm start, and then, turned nasty on us - weather wise.
We, that is, Madge and I, had a wonderful Christmas with our kids and grandkids. We also attended my parent's home for Christmas on the Eve of Christmas Eve and had a time of feasting with my brother and his family, and my three sisters and their families. When we all get together that makes for quite a house full.
I hope all who are reading here is as blessed or even more so than I am. God is so good and full of grace and mercy. So much better than what I deserve. I am so thankful for that though, because without Him there would be nothing.
Be sure you look the the Lord Jesus in this New year. Here we are well into the first month, and I pray you have given yourself to Him and His grace for eternity. Jesus died on the cross for your sins, was buried carrying your sins away, and was raised to life after three days, and is forever seated at the Right hand of the Father. He will come again soon, and I pray you are ready. Call on His name, and He will hear you and save you.
Remember if you are a Blankenship, know a Blankenship, or anything about some, please let me know. Also let them know about this site. We all could make it quite interesting.