"A time to be born, a time to die; A time to plant, and a time to harvest; ...a time to heal, a time to break down, and a time to build up; A time to weep, and a time to laugh... A time of war and a time of peace"
Friday, November 30, 2007
Blessing for All
It is because of Christmas month, and a need for a break that I inform you the reader or readers who come here of this.
There will be no further posts until after the New Year. Until then, have a wonderful Christ filled Christmas and a Blessed-Happy New Year.
In Christ love,
Monday, November 19, 2007
Another Blessing from God
There have been a really great event of news that has not gotten out a long ways, and that is Madge and I are going to be grandparents once again. I won't say which of our kids yet, but it is supposed to be due in early July. Used to you didn't even know you were expecting that quick, but technology has a way.
I also returned to the doctor today to see about my BP, and surprise of surprise, he released me to return to driving the School Bus. That tickled my goat. That is a good thing. Most adults would not think of another adult being glad to get back to driving a School Bus. People in their right mind wouldn't be driving a School Bus; or so I have heard and as we bus drivers often kid around about. I drove the evening route today, and was glad to be back, and the other drivers were glad to see me back.
One of the things that helps me enjoy driving the Bus is the other drivers, the supervisor, and mechanics, and the School Administration and Board. Cassville School District is a pleasure to drive for. They pay the drivers the best of any School District in the State of Missouri, provide health insurance, sick days, get 2 personal days per school year (paid), and paid holidays. Not many School Districts provide such a good package. The best thing is the people I work with. Mostly a lot of fun to be around.
I am thankful to be back to driving the bus again, and I pray God will use me to be a faithful witness for His glory, and will bless the Carr Lane Baptist Church greatly too. I want to express a word of thanks to all who prayed for me these past two weeks. God has answered and heard you. Bless the holy name of Jesus, Son of the Living God, and who is God incarnate.
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Update - Autumn
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
The Autumn of the Year
Monday, October 15, 2007
Taking Tests
When I was in school, whether it was Elementary or High School I hated tests. it really didn't matter what kind of test; I just hated them.
Entering into the grown up work force and life's reality I learned that every body has tests, even we adults. The problem with life's reality tests is that sometimes you don't know you are taking the test. There is no one who will tell you, "We are having a test tomorrow over the studied text", and you sometimes have no way of knowing what's going to be on the test.
Since my last article here at "To Everything...A Season" where I wrote of the song "I Choose", and how it had been a real encouragement to me. If you don't remember read the previous post. I do know the chorus a bit better now, and I did notice that I used the wrong word for a song chorus, and wrote "course". I knew better I just didn't catch what I had written.
The song's chorus is this way; "I choose to believe You are faithful, and my heart is in your hands; that this mystery I face today is part of a greater plan. I choose not to be discouraged when the sun will not break through. I have the choice of trusting You; so Lord, this is what I choose." It is still a source of encouragement to me.
The only thing that has changed is that I have been and I am presently being tested to how sure and true this is to my life. Sometimes I just wonder if I missed God's real calling for my life. I do believe, having studied the Scriptures for over 33 years that every Christian has a calling in their life. That doesn't mean being a pastor, missionary, or anything like that. It just means some Christians are called to be farmers, school teachers, policemen [or any form of law enforcement], soldiers, dog catchers, doctors, nurses, carpenters, bus drivers, and you could add your own occupation or vocation here.
Whatever it is God has called you to be content in doing it. And, do it as unto the Lord. I do know one thing for sure. If you believe God is calling you to a work, then, you better go to it as soon as He calls. Delayed obedience is disobedience. Think about what happened to Jonah.
I still dislike tests, but today I have a better understanding of why we have them. They strengthen our resolve to get done what we know we need to get done. They also show us things about ourselves we didn't know before. Like, how durable and faithful we really are. Then, we can give God the Son and His Father all the glory.
Monday, October 01, 2007
A Word of Encouragement
For some days now, up until this past week, I have been greatly discouraged and wondering what my ministry is really worth. With the problems at church, and some of our own personal problems I just sometimes wonder.
As I was driving home from picking up kids on the School Bus I was listening to the Christian Radio station I have on in the car, and they played a song which picked me up and made me do some thinking. The words of the course go something like this, and I am doing this from memory: "I choose to believe You are faithful, that grace is in Your hand. This mystery that I face today is part of a greater plan. I choose not to be discouraged when the sun does not break through, I've made the choice of choosing You", and of course this is addressed to God and His Son.
I really want the words of the song. It is titled "I Choose", and I don't know the group who does it either. It is such a wonderful song which puts the thoughts on the Father and His Son rather than our situation in life.
It seems that discouragement is so easy. It doesn't take much to get me anyway, and I don't need that junk. I say "Junk", because that is what discouragement really is is J.U.N.K. Someone once said, "Discouragement is from the devil", and that is for certain. It is especially true for the Christian. The devil doesn't want us living in victory, and courage; so he does whatever he can to bring us down.
The next time I sense a bout of discouragement; I will redirect my thinking to the One who has all those matters in His hand. Join me in courage in the Lord Jesus.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Just Another Rambling
Monday, September 03, 2007
Loose Lips
The lies people tell are not just little "white lies". Lies are destructive. They harm people, and even the one who is telling them.
There is a phrase which has been said for years, "Loose lips sink ships", and man, is that ever so. The ship that lies sink will be the life of the one whose lips are loose. No home, church, or organization can long exist when lies are told.
Malicious lies are especially harmful. That is, when someone lies to purposely harm or hurt another person, or organization. This form of lying is one which God calls an abomination. That is in the same line as gross sexual immorality. No liar has any part with God.
I guess I am writing this because lies have recently been told of myself. They have been exposed for what they are, ie., the lies. The person involved has not acknowledged any involvement, but offered this apology, "I am sorry for all the words that have been said". Now, when this individual has been the one saying them, that is not much of an apology. I pray that this individual will get their personal life right with God. Any one who lies like this is not right with Him, and have opened their lives for judgment; unless they seek forgiveness from Him.
This individual has left our church. I believe the Lord takes care of problems in His Church. I just pray this does not go to the church they are not in.
The lies told were not lies of any real merit. They would not do any real harm to me. As a matter of fact, I originally laughed about it, and I still laugh about it, except for the harm it could do to our church. One lie was that I had, during VBS (Vacation Bible School) in July, dropped off some of the kids along the main highway, and had them walk home. I drove the bus. The closest I came to that was dropping them off on the edge of the road that runs about 200 yards from their home. It was also told that I refused to take the kids home on Friday evening, the night of Parent's Night. The bus did not run that evening. The parents/guardians were responsible for seeing their child arrived, and were returned home.
Because of these things some of the people of our church has left, and say they are not returning. When I have spoken to some of this matter, they tell me their leaving has nothing to do with those things. It is always something else.
In the end, "Loose lips" still "sink ships".
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Back To School
Since my last post School has started and I have driven the bus seven and one half days. I took the morning of August 22 off, because my Dad was supposed to have surgery, actually amputation of his right foot and part of the leg. That has been due to lack of circulation to the foot, due to vein removal for his heart a few years ago.
They ended up not doing the surgery because the anesthesiologist saw a problem in one of the tests concerning his heart, and would not allow it to proceed. He has now been back for more of those tests, passed them, and now the surgery is rescheduled for Monday the 27th. He is supposed to check in at 11 a.m.
I am still driving the same bus that I drove at the end of the last School year. Old Bus 23. The mechanics of the School did some work on her, and she runs much better this year than she has in a long time. She is still a bit sluggish on take off. Her zero to sixty time is probably about 2 minutes. If I ever get her to sixty.
There are not a whole lot of people who can say they drive a vehicle with a price range of eighty thousand dollars. Yellow as a color in automobiles is growing in popularity, but it is usually a slightly different yellow than a School Bus.
The kids on the buses are being kids. Some of them get slightly overly active. Then, something must be done. They do have a problem obeying rules. Rules to remain seated. Rules that are for their safety, and the safety of all on the bus and all who are on the road, at times.
As I was driving down one part of my curvacious road one day I saw a puff of torn papers in my driver's side mirror fly through the air. I did not see who did it. What could I do. All I did was ask who threw it out. To no surprise, I received no answer. This is a generation of people who are supposed to be so concerned about our environment. I am not so concerned about paper, it will go back from whence it came.
I guess "Litter-bugging" is one of my pet peaves. I cannot stand seeing people throwing trash out the windows of their cars or leaving it where they have brought it; like to a campground, or picnic area. It is ugly on some beautiful highways in the USA as well.
Anyway, School is back in session, and it may be a long School year. I plan on making the most of it and living for my Lord.
Friday, August 10, 2007
More Summer Rambling
Well, it appears that I will be driving the School Bus anyway. I am thankful for that. I went to the doctor yesterday, and we got me approved for a three month period, and I will need to go in for periodic BP checks.
That takes a big gorilla off my back. That is an extra income which also provides our health insurance. The Lord, of course, is our greatest provider and means of our sustenance. He does, however, call us to our work, and to do it as unto Him. I am just thankful for all His provision of grace and mercy.
It just seems that a whole load of pressure has been lifted off my back. That alone does not help a persons BP. I appear to people as being mild mannered, easy going, and I have had people to tell me that they are surprised that someone with my demeanor could have high BP. The reason for that may be that I keep things in, rather than exploding. I want to say with that, that there are times I release them, by my writing in my journal. I have also found blogging a release and renewing as well.
The school I drive for will begin on August 16. That is next Thursday. In the hottest time of Summer. Our temps here in Southwest Missouri have been at or near the century mark. Air conditioning sure feels good when it is like this.
Last night our son Timothy, his wife Sarah, and their kids Naomi, and Josiah were over, and we barbecued a couple of t-bone steaks and burgers. Man, was that good stuff. I told you this was more Summer rambling.
Saturday, August 04, 2007
Summer Ramblings
Summer is nearing an end, at least as far as School vacation is concerned. The teachers and administrators are gathered at the School during the week days getting things all situated and ready to go, and they have had the physicals for all who need them; like the Bus Drivers, and there are others,
I went for mine on Tuesday, July 31, and failed my physical. I have a problem with my blood pressure being too high. It was high when I went in for my physical. The doctors have ran test on me, even did MRI's and MRA's (Maybe the same, I don't know), they have done stress test and found nothing causing it. These have all been prior to July 31 of this year.
It really has me perplexed. I take three medications for blood pressure, but it seems they do no good. I feel pretty good with the exception of when I get discouraged, or depressed concerning these matters. I know blood pressure is a life or death matter, but then, I see every day as a blessing from God, and know that whether I live or whether I die it is of the Lord.
Some have told me I should get disability for my blood pressure, but I really don't think I could get it and remain a pastor; and I don't think that is what God would have me do. Preaching and pastoring is what God has called me to do, and I will probably die doing that.
This may sound gruesome to some, but my prayer to the Lord, concerning my death is that I would die in one of three or four ways. The first one being to die while preaching His Word in the pulpit. The second, to die on my knees while in prayer. The third, to die while a soul I have dealt with is praying to Jesus for salvation; and the fourth, to just die while I am asleep. I see no problem in asking my Lord and Savior for this. I know that I have no say over the time or place, but those are my requests.
I am ready and anxious to meet my Savior face to face. There are many unredeemed here that I have failed to tell about Jesus, His death on the cross taking the judgment of sin that was mine/ours, being rejected by His Father because He had become the very thing that He despised, and took all the wrath for all sin. Jesus was buried carrying all our sins away, and leaving them in the depths of the ocean and cast as far away as East is from West. On the third day He rose from the grave for our justification (right with God) by God's declaration; and He lives forever seated at the right hand of God the Father.
If the Lord allows me to continue to drive the School Bus, that will be great, if not maybe I can spend more time with my church people. I would certainly not mind that at all.
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
The Stinker Family
There was a family, and their neighbors called them, "The Stinkers". That is the name they had lived with for many generations. There were times when they would gather together, and everything would be just great, but then, there would be times they gathered and boy! what a stink that would rise.
It seemed upon their once per week meeting everything went well. They would even bring in their dinners once per month, sit down together at their tables, talk and enjoy their meal. When there were new things to do however there would almost always be one stinker who would rise up and start calling the rest of the family.
Everything in these special things could be going really well, but because one Mrs. Stinker was not in charge she would call others who were not present telling them that another stinker was being mean to the kids, and treating them unfairly. Can you imagine one Stinker working against another Stinker. All you get is STINK.
It is a shame that one Stinker cannot get along with another Stinker. One Mrs. Stinker says to the other Mrs. Stinker, "Well that Mr. Stinker of our family, he really doesn't know how to be a leader." The phones start ringing and the ears of all the Stinkers start buzzing. Lips start yapping, and in the end there is no peace.
What are the Stinkers going to do? What is their Creator going to think about the stink that is being raised within the Stinker family? The domineering female Stinker will need to cease and desist in her stink making, and seek to yield to the leading of the Creator. As long as any of us Stinkers think we can control the family we will continue to stink.
Aren't we all stinkers at times?
Monday, July 16, 2007
Some Good Stuff
The past two weeks have been pretty busy for my wife and I. We have enjoyed the days though. On the fourth of July we had our Blankenship family, friends and neighbors celebration down at the swimming hole, with picnic, fireworks and all. On the weekend preceeding the ninth we had our kids and grandkids at the house for our annual family get together.
My previous writing was concerning produce in our garden, which has been greatly neglected. With the rain and lack of time to get to it it has only been tilled one time. Yet, it is producing. My wife Madge and I went on Friday and dug some new potatoes, picked some green tomatoes, some bell peppers and some cucumbers.
On the ninth Madge and I headed to Mt. Vernon, MO. to join others in the kitchen of Baptist Hill Campground for Barry County Southern Baptist Association's annual Children's Camp. We were about a dozen strong doing kitchen work, cooking, distributing salads, drinks, cereals, and such as that. It was a long day for about four days. The day started for me at 4 a.m. with my regular devotion times, then, at 5 would go to the cafeteria where some of the men would have a cup of coffee and fellowship a few minutes before getting breakfast started.
As soon as breakfast was over and the pots and pans were clean we started lunch, then as soon as lunch was over we started preparing for supper (dinner). There was rarely a time to relax. I don't mean that as a complaint. The time flew by. It was also a joy to see those 280 campers come by getting their meals. Many of them were saying "Thank you" as they went through the line being served the food for that meal. That was a great thing.
One of the best things was having a young lady tell of her receiving Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior. An update from our Director of Missions was that there were 20 decisions for salvation. That is sure one of the worthy affects of camp. We praise our God of grace and mercy
Monday, July 09, 2007
A Producing Garden
It seems as though we have had plenty of rain this year, so far. The month of July, usually a hot and dry month has yet to produce much rain; some but not much. Of course, we are only 9 days into it.
Now concerning our producing garden. I have not seen it, but I have been told, that our garden is producing things like bell peppers, tomatoes, and that the potatoes are going to be ready soon. I have not seen it because I have not been in it recently. The abundance of rain has kept us from getting in the garden on our schedule. It has grown up with the weeds, but Hey! if it is producing let it produce. I am going to have to get over there and get some of the fruits of my labor.
My wife planted some tomato plants here at our home we are living in. I think three plants, and they are planted in buckets. They are doing well, and looking pretty decent. Tomatoes are growing on them. Our Creator is the one who gives the increase of produce. To Him alone we are grateful.
Every life should be like a garden. It should not necessarily be like ours. It looks neglected with the weeds growing. The ground grows hard and with it hard it is hard to pull weeds as well as being hard to run a tiller through it. Gardens should be worked at least once per week. The life of the Christian requires daily weeding, tilling and preparing for produce. One day Jesus Christ is going to come and gather His produce. What will He have to gather.
We are called to be diligent to the service of our Lord and Savior. If you are not, make a commitment today to get into God's Word. Read it. Study it. Most of all let God's Word read you.