Summer is nearing an end, at least as far as School vacation is concerned. The teachers and administrators are gathered at the School during the week days getting things all situated and ready to go, and they have had the physicals for all who need them; like the Bus Drivers, and there are others,
I went for mine on Tuesday, July 31, and failed my physical. I have a problem with my blood pressure being too high. It was high when I went in for my physical. The doctors have ran test on me, even did MRI's and MRA's (Maybe the same, I don't know), they have done stress test and found nothing causing it. These have all been prior to July 31 of this year.
It really has me perplexed. I take three medications for blood pressure, but it seems they do no good. I feel pretty good with the exception of when I get discouraged, or depressed concerning these matters. I know blood pressure is a life or death matter, but then, I see every day as a blessing from God, and know that whether I live or whether I die it is of the Lord.
Some have told me I should get disability for my blood pressure, but I really don't think I could get it and remain a pastor; and I don't think that is what God would have me do. Preaching and pastoring is what God has called me to do, and I will probably die doing that.
This may sound gruesome to some, but my prayer to the Lord, concerning my death is that I would die in one of three or four ways. The first one being to die while preaching His Word in the pulpit. The second, to die on my knees while in prayer. The third, to die while a soul I have dealt with is praying to Jesus for salvation; and the fourth, to just die while I am asleep. I see no problem in asking my Lord and Savior for this. I know that I have no say over the time or place, but those are my requests.
I am ready and anxious to meet my Savior face to face. There are many unredeemed here that I have failed to tell about Jesus, His death on the cross taking the judgment of sin that was mine/ours, being rejected by His Father because He had become the very thing that He despised, and took all the wrath for all sin. Jesus was buried carrying all our sins away, and leaving them in the depths of the ocean and cast as far away as East is from West. On the third day He rose from the grave for our justification (right with God) by God's declaration; and He lives forever seated at the right hand of God the Father.
If the Lord allows me to continue to drive the School Bus, that will be great, if not maybe I can spend more time with my church people. I would certainly not mind that at all.
hello the picture of the little cowboy! after my husband's open-heart surgery they tried several meds for the BP. we find the best is less. And eliminating the sodium intake has been key. he's not been able to do the walking yet, but will do that in God's time when he is able.
Also, try seeing a nutritionist who is interested in supplements rather than meds. my son-in-law had terrible bp then started on heart/stress supplements and he has great bp now. just thinking from this side of the situation.
will be praying for you. selahV
Thanks for your comment again. The little cowboy is my youngest grandson. He is a jem.
Thanks for the advice on the BP. I have been plagued by it for some time. It has only been by the grace of God that I haven't suffered a stroke or death.
I know there are some supplements that help. I have taken garlic for several years, and it has taken my cholesterol down and maintained a pretty good level.
I rarely if ever add salt to my food. I usually eat it like I get it. That is unlike I used to be.
Thank you so much for your wisdom and prayers.
Tim A.
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