Monday, December 28, 2009

Thanksgiving, Winter, and Christmas

It has been over two months since I wrote here. To do some catchup work I will be short.

We had a wonderful family get together at Thanksgiving as usual. On Saturday following my son Timothy, his son Josiah [my grandson], and son-in-law Sam made a trip to St. Louis to watch the Cassville Wildcats defeat the Bowling Green Bobcats 23-7 in the Edward Jones Dome for the 3A State Championship. Quite a trip.

Now Winter has come. Such a delight it always is for me for the shortest day for daylight hours of of the year to roll around, and then, the days start getting longer. The sun has reached its lowest point in the Southern hemisphere and then begins its trek back North. That tells me that Spring and Summer are not far behind.

Now another Christmas has come and gone. We have celebrated the birth of our Lord and Savior. It is sad to me that far too many do not know what Christmas is about. How can it be wrong to remember God sending His Son? "This is the work of God, that you believe on Him whom He sent" (John 6:29). "Sent" to die for the sins of the world. "Sent" to do the Father's will. "Sent" through the virgin conception and virgin birth through a woman named Mary. "Sent", born in a manger in Bethlehem. No shame, no guilt, no sin for all who will trust in this One who was "Sent" to die for our sins.

It may be Winter, Spring is however, just around the corner.

-Tim A. Blankenship

Thursday, October 01, 2009

Questions, Questions, Questions

The more I know; the more I realize I don't know. Does that make any sense? I think it does. Anyone who has any real sense realizes that the more we learn the more we realize we need to learn. Am I right?

Questions are usually asked by the questioner for the purpose of learning. How many of us who have children and grandchildren haven't had one come up to us with one of those questions, and then, always; upon hearing the answer, ask, "Why?" The question that ends all questions. Sometimes there are really odd, and silly questions like, "Why is that car yellow?" The obvious answer to that is "Because they wanted it yellow", or they bought it that way.

Questions also sometimes spark a debate. Debate is sometimes good. Debates sometimes turn into heated arguments.

I know I am just rambling it seems. "Why?" I am not really sure. I feel like rambling I guess. This is going to be online for the whole cyber world to read. And I really don't care. I know others feel like this at times. I read some of their blogs and other stuff, so I know. Even politicians; like our President of the USA, rambles on a lot and never says anything meaningful, or constructive. I think I have that right too.

Well! Welcome to Autumn or Fall as we call it often. We are well into the Fall of the year, but around where I live the grass is still green and growing. Farmers are still putting up hay, though it must be a booger to cure for baling.

There is one thing I know and am assured of that God is God. He is Creator of all that is, has been or ever will be; and He has a Son whose name is Jesus who died on a cross for my sins and the world's sins, was buried, and He rose again. One day He is coming; and to that day I look with great expectation.

Still I want to know more, because the more I know the more I realize I don't know.

-Tim A. Blankenship

Friday, September 04, 2009

Talk About Seasons

Seasons - Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter are inevitable for us, and we appreciate them; most of the time. The things which we may call "Seasons" of our lives also come with mixed appreciation.

It seems sometimes that the seasons of my life have been stricken with only the "Winter" mode, and that of my wife as well. This is not meant to capture anyone's sympathy, empathy or what ever, but I pray it will encourage you. I know, and am trusting completely in our Lord's goodness, grace and love. He holds my life, my wife's life, all our family's lives in His powerful hands.

You see I cannot see the finished picture which He is painting for my life. I have only what is today; however, He sees the complete picture. When He is finished with this painting it will be a glorious picture which will glorify His Son Jesus. No work He has began in me or any of His children will fail.

Before I go on with this let me tell you what my wife and I have found out from our doctor, and blood tests. According to my last blood test I have a high glucose level, and a failing liver. She has also told me that my kidneys are only functioning at 60% (just the other day a woman gave one of her kidneys to her husband whose kidneys had failed completely, so she is on fifty percent kidney function) WOW!!! Thank the Lord.

My wife has an aortic anyrism (an enlarged aorta of the heart). When it was first discovered she was told it was at a 4, and when it reached a 5, they would need to do surgery. We were told Monday that it is now at 4.5. The surgery we have been told would be open heart surgery. I am so thankful that our God who has created all things, and holds all things together has it all in His mighty, everlasting hands.

We have also determined to fight these things through prayer, praise, and eating right, or at least closer to right, and getting some much needed exercise, starting with walking as often as we possibly can.

He can heal us if He chooses to do so, and we would be thankful, and we are thankful to Him for the privilege and "Right" through His Son Jesus for having a personal relationship with Him.

Jesus our Savior and God is the Creator of all, is worthy of our praise. We will love Him, serve Him, and will not bow to the words of men or the devil; but we will praise and serve the LORD of hosts. There is no rest without this God and Savior who died on the cross for our sins.

Look to Him today. Have peace through faith in Him. Live His faith.

Give thanks for every day you can arise from your bed, take a breath, take a step, look into the early morning skies and see the stars, the moon, the planets, and have a knowledge that there is the Creator. There are those who cannot do those things and are thankful still.

When we are oppressed by the rough seasons of our lives; let's be sure we make it a season of praise to our Creator.

-Tim A. Blankenship

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Summer's Ending

Summer vacation for some Schools began in late may, late Spring, and now Summer vacation has come to an end. Some Schools have already began. The School which I drive the School bus for begins today [August 19, 2009].

It seems to me that Summers are really too short. Maybe its due to global warming :>), and I do say that with a smile. It is actually due to kids going back to school, the teachers being there to teach them, drivers being their to get the kids where they are supposed to learn. Enough frivolity.

I am thankful to be driving a bus for a school like Cassville Schools. We have a staff that works together to make the best possible environment for kids, teachers, bus drivers, administration, and the maintenance people. At the bus garage it is almost like we are family.

That kind of environment makes it where you enjoy going to work everyday. It doesn't seem like work. It is a joy to see the kids you haven't seen all Summer long. If they come back that is. I say that because we did hear of one who will not be returning due to drowning just this past week. My heart goes out to the family. That will be so tough, and my prayers are with them in this difficult heart breaking time.

If you have a clean record, love kids, and need to make a few extra dollars; and you can fit it into your daily schedule; you might want to think of driving one of those big yellow monsters. Go to your nearest school and I know they can tell you how to go about it. You might only get started as a sub driver, but that is how I started. Try it out. You might enjoy it. And in most cases you do get all Summer vacation off.

-Tim A. Blankenship

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

A Family Weekend '09

My wife and I have what some would call a large family. It doesn't seem that large to me when I know of some parents who have 16 children. I don't know them personally. I do know personally one family who has 8 children they have raised and in the process of raising. I really think large families are great. You're never short of a friend that way.

Our family of 5 children, minus one (he and his wife were away to Florida for their 6th Anniversary), their spouses, and our grandkids had our annual family get together at our son Philip's and wife Sarah's home in Booneville, AR. Our eldest son Timothy, his wife Sarah, their three kids; Naomi, Josiah, and Eli; along with Madge and I journeyed down that way last Thursday evening - Madge and I rode with them. Charity, husband Paul and their three kids; Rachelle, Jonathan, and Caitlyn beat us there. Monica, husband Sam, and Addison came along on Friday evening. It was James and Amber who was away for their Anniversary, and we missed them being with us, but understand.

On Friday my parents Mike and Juanita were brought down by my sister Jane so we could go up Magazine Mountain. They have quite the park on the mountain, and we enjoyed the beautiful day which our LORD provided us. There were several scenic view areas and you could see for miles and miles. You can see the Arkansas River from those views, and it is about thirty miles North of there.

My Dad enjoys things like that, as do I, and we had a very good time. I think Dad was exhausted, as was Mom, and they drove back home that afternoon. We were all pretty worn out for the day.

On Saturday we spent the day playing, enjoying the weather, each other's company, and that evening we went swimming in the City Park Swimming Pool. We had rented it for a couple of hours. No one there but the Blankenship family, and the Life Guards. It was a nice way to spend the evening and to finish off the day.

Following church on Sunday we had Sunday Dinner together with Philip and Sarah Joyce, Rene'e, and Natalie (Philip's and Sarah's two). We packed up and returned home. We arrived home around 5:30 p.m. and spent the evening resting.

We missed the people of our church on Sunday. Look forward to being back this Sunday. They are like family to us. Best people I have ever had the privilege of being their pastor. I pray that I can become a better pastor for them, and always proclaim God's Word for them to hear.

Great weekend. Great kids and grandkids. Majestic God and Savior. What a wonderful life.

-Tim A. Blankenship

Friday, June 26, 2009

Guest At My Front Door

It is infrequently that we have any guests show up at our door. Usually they come in cars, pickups, or ATV's; and they don't come often.

Yesterday morning June 25, '09 I had just settled in my reading chair, settled in for my daily reading in the Bible, and I heard a scratching sound at the front door; and that is in my office where I do my reading. I got up, turned on the light for the front porch, and there he was. It was a young raccoon come letting me know he was there.

He turned to walk away, then turned to face me again, and stood on his hind legs with his arms up in the air. I believe that is a universal sign of surrender. "I give up.", he said; then he turned and ran away as I unlocked the door.

God's creatures have a way of teaching us lessons.

-Tim A. Blankenship

Sunday, June 21, 2009

First Day Of Summer '09

The first day of Summer 2009 is starting out acting like Summer. Hot, muggy, summerish to say the least, and I guess I am one of a few or many (not sure of stats) who enjoy the hot, muggy days of Summer.

This day also is Father's Day. Father's are a blessing from God. I know mine is to me. I pray that I have been to my three sons, and two daughters too. Our daughters Charity and Monica both have children with their husbands and are both happy and to to be Moms. Two of our sons are Dads and happy and blessed to be so. I am now blessed as a grandfather of nine living, two with Jesus in heaven, and one on the way.

On this Sunday we will be attending church at Carr Lane Baptist, preaching the morning message, worshipping in the preaching and singing of hymns, songs, and spiritual songs; singing and making melody in our hearts to the Lord. On this beautiful first day of Summer. What a wonderful day our Lord has wrought.

Thank YOU Lord.

-Tim A. Blankenship

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

One Saturday In May

I know there is a couple of Saturday's left in May. On the 23rd and 24th I will be away from the pulpit of Carr Lane Baptist Church, taking a vacation Sunday. I will be visiting another church to listen to a good sermon, from a good preacher.

The "One Saturday..." of which I write was on the 9th of May. The day before Mother's Day. Our son Philip came up from Booneville, AR. along with his wife Sarah Joyce, and two daughters Rene'e and Natalie, spent the night on Friday and went to Mother's Day breakfast with us, at Carr Lane Baptist on Saturday morning. The men of our church provided, cooked and served bacon, sausage, pancakes, biscuits and gravy, and scrambled eggs for the honor of our mothers.

Following the breakfast we; that is our son and his family; our daughter Monica, her husband Sam and daughter Addison went to Silver Dollar City near Branson. We often, jokingly, call it Steal Your Dollar City; around here in Southwest Missouri. It is a theme park, amusement park, music park, crafts park; taking you back to the 1800's or so. They also have rides; roller coasters, wet rides, and kiddy rides.

Even I got on two of the roller coasters. The first one I rode was called "Powder Keg". It sends you off on a short ride which starts you from a standing stop at about 60 miles per hour. From that stop you top a steep rise in the tracks to a sudden drop with twists and turns which would leave you breathless, if you are not screaming; or laughing all the way around. I laughed on every twists and turn. Were it not for the seat restraints you would come out of your seat.

We finished with Powder Keg then went and rode "WildFire". It has loops and loops and one more loop. It too is a thriller, but I think I liked Powder Keg the best. It sets you back in the seat, and leaves you longing for more. That is if you like that kind of thing.

Spring is here. Enjoy it in our Lord's Creation.

-Tim A. Blankenship

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Winter In Spring

It is not so uncommon for Missouri to have Winter in Spring. It turned Spring officially last weekend, and a few days have been Spring like with warm sunshine, and just wonderful.
Now, however, this the final weekend of March, and it is more like Winter again. Snow, blizzard like conditions in parts of our country to the West - Kansas, Texas, Oklahoma, and Colorado receiving snow in the foot proportions. Here in Southwest MO; at least at my house there is none on the ground; but on Saturday/yesterday it did some snowing.
I am looking forward to when the warmer weather comes and stays for a while. God is so good to give us the change of seasons, and reminds us that better days are coming.
Enjoy your Spring.
-Tim A. Blankenship

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

What's Happening???

Here we are in the final week of January 2009, and we are being hit by a Winter storm. Ice is falling from the sky, and making the roads and streets slickery (that is a word coined by my grandson who is the picture on the left side of this blog), and unfit for travelling, so schools all over Southwest MO. has been cancelled today.
I was scheduled for a medical precedure today at 9:00 a.m., but that was postponed yesterday when the hospital called basically asking if I would do that - they left it up to me - saying that I might not be able to arrive there due to weather and some of the hospital staff may not be able to arrive either, and my prep for the precedure would need to be repeated when it is rescheduled. So, I told them to postpone it. I had requested a couple days off from driving the School bus due to this.
When it was known that the event was called off for today, I called my Supervisor and told him I could drive now. He went ahead and let me off for the evening run, because he already had a sub driver, and told me I could go ahead and plan on driving today, but today "NO School". That is a good thing considering the road conditions. I am already longing for Spring. I always look forward to Spring.
I am learning more everyday that our God is good. He is full of grace and mercy. What's Happening??? God is working and moving in mysterious ways, His wonders to perform.
-Tim A. Blankenship