Thursday, November 30, 2006

Post Thanksgiving

It was great to have the three days off from driving the School Bus, for what the School called Thanksgiving Break. It just did not last long enough. It is amazing how fast time goes by.
I think that part of the reason the time went by so fast, and it did not seem like there were five days involved in this past weekend, is because I spent most of the day at the hospital having an MRI done on me. They were trying to figure out why my blood pressure is being so obstinate. The report came back, "There is no significant problem"; whatever that means. For that I am thankful. Thank YOU Lord Jesus.
The question comes to my mind sometimes as to why I have high blood pressure. My thinking sometimes goes back to something I remember saying a few years ago in a sermon I preached, and speaking of holding bitterness, and anger toward others, as being the cause of such. I have searched my heart concerning this matter, and there is no one who I can think of which I am angry or bitter toward. Bitterness, anger, envy, and such things as that can cause physical problems. I still believe that. Will continue to believe that until I am shown otherwise.
Paul the apostle spoke of a "Thorn in the flesh" which God had given him to keep him humble concerning his heavenly experience. I sometimes feel that way about my blood pressure, but I have no word from God on that matter. I do know that my life is entirely in His hands. He is the one who is keeping me alive, and He is the only one who can take my life from me.
As I write this it is raining outside. There are predictions of a winter storm moving in with cold, ice, snow, freezing rain. Cassville Schools have been cancelled for the day. That is why I am still at the computer. I was getting ready to leave a few minutes ago when they called from the Bus Garage to let me know they had called school off today. They told me they had tried to get me earlier but the line was busy. That is the problem with having a single phone line and dial up internet service.
We had a great service at Carr Lane Baptist Church last evening. We finished the study in the fourth chapter of Romans. Isn't the grace of our Lord really marvellous. We also prayed for the sick, and for blessing and encouragement of our members.
Let me say that anyone coming across this blog is welcome to leave a comment. I am just particularly interested if you are a Blankenship, or know some Blankenship. Please let me know.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Thanksgiving Eve

I should be attending Wednesday evening Bible Study and Prayer Meeting this evening, but I woke this morning with runny nose, sneezing, itchy eyes, and that developed into a bad headache.
Not to mention that only, but I had an appointment at St. John's Hospital in Cassville this morning to have an MRI done on me to try and figure out why my blood pressure is not cooperating. I lay in that machine for what seemed almost like forever, with my arms laid back over my head. After about half the time I was inside that tube my right shoulder began acheing, and I could not move, because of the test.
I just realized this sounds like I am complaining, but I do not mean to be. I am thankful that I am able to feel any pain. Pain is a friend, you know. It lets us know when something is wrong and that we need to find out what it is. Or, it could be a friend in letting you know that something is getting accomplished.
This is Thanksgiving Eve and like I said above, I should be in church this evening, but I decided to call and let them know I would not be coming due to the way I am feeling. If, this that I have making me sneeze is contagious, then I certainly do not want anyone at church to get it. I will be there on Sunday, the Lord willing, of course.
I hope everyone heard that WalMart has decided that they will not be giving out contributions to things which are of a controversial matter. That is good news, for which to be thankful.

Monday, November 20, 2006

Events of Thanksgiving

The days of driving the School Bus this week will only be two. We drive Monday and Tuesday, and then, we are out until the 27th of November. It is a nice long Thanksgiving break.
On Wednesday I have to go to the hospital for an MRA to check me over to see if they can find what is causing the high blood pressure problem. I am supposed to be there at 7:45 a.m. Sometime Wednesday afternoon, or so, Philip, his wife Sarah, and our grand daughter Rene'e will be coming up from Booneville, AR. and staying with us until Saturday. It will be a great joy to have them with us.
Wednesday evening, of course, we get to go to church for Prayer Meeting and Bible Study at Carr Lane Baptist Church. That will begin at 6:30 pm. I do not know how many will be there, but I know there will be prayers of thanks offered to the Lord for His many blessings.
On Thursday we will all be going to my parents home for our Thanksgiving dinner (around the Ozark hills dinner is what most city people call "lunch"), but it is usually later than most eat 'lunch'. Just about all the Blankenship family of Mike and Juanita will be there.
There will most likely be another couple there. Dave and Edna Eaton. They are my sister Judy's in-laws. They are a blessing to have around, and to be around. Dave just recently retired from the pastorate in Las Vegas, NV. All of us have always considered them a part of our family. And they are.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Being Thankful

There are many times it seems hard to be thankful. One thing for which I am always thankful is for the family I was born into. I had no control of that thing, but the Lord of heaven and all of earth saw fit to place me in the Blankenship family.
I was born the son of a farmer. Most of the Blankenships I know are farmers, mostly dealing with cattle and such as that. My Dad for most of my life has milked cows - a dairy farmer - and I milked cows with him after I was married, and now my brother does that. As a matter of fact he pretty much takes care of all of it.
We attended church when I was a child at home and received a godly education from both my Mom and Dad. All of us were taught to love the Lord, and His Word. I can remember seeing my Dad pick up the Bible and read it, and I guess it was because of that thath I have done the same thing.
I am very thanful for my parents; Mike and Juanita.
I am also thankful for my wife and children, and grandchildren. I pray that I will leave them a godly legacy such as has been left me.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Looking Forward to Thanksgiving

The Blankenship household of which I am a part; from my parents, to my own household get together for this wonderful day of the year. There have been times there has been 40 or more of us gathered at my Dad's and Mom's home.
My sisters, Jane, Judy and Jill; Jane's husband Allen, Judy's husband David, and Jill and her boys, and her boyfriend and his daughter sometimes; along with my brother Steve and his wife Deanna. All of their children are often there.
Most of my siblings children and Madge's and mine are all married. There is the exception of Steve and Deanna's son Jeffry. He is still in school. Jill's two boys are not yet old enough to even think about marriage yet.
When you get our family together on Thanksgiving it is great to see so many of the family together celebrating Thanksgiving to the One who gave and gives so very much.
Just of my wife and I plus our children and grandchildren there are 19.
Anyone seeing this can see that we do have much to be very thankful for. The thing for which I am most thankful is the grace of my God and Savior Jesus Christ.
Leave your story in the comments, and it may get posted on the blog, if that is okay with you.

Monday, November 06, 2006

I Thought This Might Be Interesting

I was wondering how many people who read this would let me know if they are a Blankenship or related to any Blankenships.
Let me give you some info about myself.
I live very near the place where I was born and where I grew up. The community of Jenkins, Missouri. Born in Cassville, Missouri, and I currently live in an area known to the natives of the area as Cato, which is near to a small lake town known as Shell Knob.
My grandparents were "Bunk" Blankenship, and Chloe (Hudson) Blankenship. My parents are Mike and Juanity (Turpin) Blankenship. I am married to Madge (Andrews) Blankenship, and have been for 33 wonderful years. We have five children, and seven living grandchildren, one on the way, and two are with Jesus in Heaven.
My Grandfather "Bunk" spelled our last name with 'in' rather than the 'en' as we do. The name is still the same no matter how you spell it. I do not know why we changed it, but we did.
No matter how you spell it I would be extremely glad to hear from you. Tell me about yourself in the comments section. I will post it later on. No bad language please.