Thursday, December 09, 2010

Never Mind Summer...

...What about Winter.  I haven't even written anything concerning Fall of the year, and now Winter is only 12 days away.  It has been one amazing Autumn.  Not just the beauty of changing colors of leaves and such but changes in the lives of my wife and I.  We have been blessed.

I would love to have everyone be just as blessed as we are.  All that we have been blessed with has been a gift from God.  First of all on the Eve of Fall we went and signed papers (what a long ordeal that isl; but such a joy) for our new home, and my wife signed in the hospital for surgery.  On the 21 day of September my wife had heart surgery, and after a scare in ICU, she recovered nicely and is doing quite well now.

On the 29th day of October we moved into our new home.  Sitting down on Flat Creek just about 3 miles South of Jenkins we  hear the water trickle over the rocks on the rapids below the Mill Pond, we can watch eagles soar effortlessly in cloudy, or blue skies, and hear one make its chilling call (it is a chilling call to the rabbits, mice, or fish I'm sure).

To the Almighty Creator of all that is,  Thank you Jesus for all YOU have done.


Monday, August 02, 2010

What A Summer

It has been a different kind of Summer for me.  I have not accomplished near what I have wanted to concerning the old house and getting it ready to live in, and mostly due to be ill.  I have decided that the illness has been caused by the dust of the old house; at least much of it.

My wife (Madge) and I have decided to buy a double wide manufactured home, and set down on the old farm stead.  We are waiting now for everything to get approved and such.

It won 't be too long and school will begin again.  I have had my physical and passed it and looking forward to the new School year.

It has been a great Summer in that we were able to go to both Youth Camp and Children's Camp at Baptist Hill in Mount Vernon, MO.  We were blessed to serve the CGL's and campers as cooks and kitchen help.  It has been our privilege to do so for the past four years.  We hear that there were 24 children who trusted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior in Children's Camp, and a few less than that at Youth Camp with other decisions being made as well.

If things go well I may use this site as a daily log of driving the bus during the School year.  If I don't every day, maybe I can at least once per week.

My wife and I celebrated our 37th Wedding Anniversary just last week.  We went and spent two days in Branson.  Nice place to visit, especially in November through February, but rather busy in July.  Really Branson is a great place to visit for family relaxation and fun.  

See you next time.  Continue to have a great Summer.
-Tim A. Blankenship

Monday, May 24, 2010

Summer Is Nearing

I haven't wrote anything here since January of this year.  Much has happened in  my life and the life of the world since then.  Earthquakes that have left many thousands dead and many more homeless in Haiti, and Chili, and China.  Floods have hit in many parts of this country [USA] up North in the South in Nashville, (Country Music City), and much chaos in the gulf from BP's blunder with the oil well.

Since my last post my wife and I have moved.  We are now living with my parents, hopefully helping them out while helping ourselves be nearer our work on our own home which is nearby.  We have also planted a garden, and we spent time with it today; tilling the rows of potatoes we have planted; and they are growing quite well with blooms on the plants and new potatoes growing under the soil.  I brought some of them home this afternoon, which I accidentally dug up while tilling the ground.

It seemed that the whole 2009 - 2010 School year moved by quickly.  We are now out for the Summer vacation; and boy am I relieved.  I was ready.  I think every other bus driver was ready too; and not only the Cassville drivers.  

It was sure warm; maybe even hot as Madge and I planted three rows of corn today.  It didn't take us long, but boy were we worn out, bushed, beat, and nearly busted of all our strength.  We're not that strong any way, and that sun beating down on us didn't help.

I don't mean to sound as though I am complaining; I am actually quite thankful.  Thankful to our Lord that He has given us the strength to do what we can do; and leave what we can't do up to Him.  Sometimes even that which we think we can do we must let Him take care of too.
Looking forward to a grand and glorious Summer.  We have Youth camp next week; and Children's Camp in July.  What a wonderful Summer it will be.  Every day is wonderful when the God of all creation is in it; and He is.

-Tim A. Blankenship

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Just Thinking 01/31/10

We are in the midst of the Winter months, and we are reaping the cold and snow of "Global warming", and I laugh. It seems that most of the US of A is under a blanket of white fluffy snow, and temps are in the teens and below at night.

The cold of Winter is still expected in the Winter, and the heat of Summer is expected in the Summer. I believe that is how God has ordained things, at least, since the fall of man in the garden of Eden; and maybe since the flood of Noah and the ark; which God used to deliver the human race from total destruction.

Summer and Winter; and Springtime and Harvest (Autumn, Fall) will continue as long as the sun and the moon endure. Let's trust these matters to our Lord, Creator, Redeemer, Savior, and Almighty God in His Son Jesus Christ.

We received a little more ice and snow on Friday morning which suspended School activities of Cassville, MO, and a few others. Some waited longer and canceled. I was glad to be out Friday.

The reason I was glad is my son and his wife Sarah L. had a new baby girl - Lydia Rae. She was scheduled for Friday January 29, by caesarean section. She weighed 8 pounds and 9 ounces at birth and was 21.5 inches long. She was a Blankenship baby. I mean by that that most of us are born fairly good sized.

As long as sinful man continues there will be heat and cold, drought and snow; and yes even life and death. One day there will be an end of sin, and sinful men; and all will be made new. That comes when Christ comes to rule and reign on earth, and puts sin forever away.

The wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

-Tim A. Blankenship

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Just Thinking

I was just thinking that it has been a while since posting anything here at "To Everything...A Season", and yet thinking it will probably just be a filler; although I pray not.

It seems that I may be getting a little tired of this blogging thing. I have deleted a few of them I use to have; here on Blogger and at Wordpress, as well. I don't have in mind to delete any more. I will not start any more either. It is hard to keep up with all of the ones I have now, and do any thing of quality, or what I might consider quality.

Like the title of this blog is TO EVERYTHING ...A SEASON, and so we see that this is a part of EVERYTHING.

We have just finished the first month of Winter, and boy was it a doozy. Snow, cold, frozen water lines; and God's grace is always abundant; no matter what the weather.

There are times that I get so discouraged. Discouraged with myself, and my lack of verbal witnessing. Discouraged with our finances. Discouraged about being discouraged. Now, that one is a real dinger isn't it? I think it is silly and a waste of a good mind; not to mention time; to be discouraged. Like David, king of Israel of old, I just must encourage myself in the LORD.

It seems that we are finally going to be able to move into our own house. I only pray we can fit. God will provide, and give us grace. Though this writing may not seem like it; I am a thankful person. Never, can we praise and thank the LORD enough for His many blessings.

Like I said JUST THINKING. Sometimes is does us all good to use our mind to muse on certain things, and even most things.

Back again soon.

-Tim A. Blankenship