Saturday, December 02, 2006

Cold, Snow and Ice Day

It is December second, of the year 2006. I am sitting at the computer, and it is cold outside. I would even say very cold.
It has been a while since we have seen cold and weather like this. I guess we were due to receive it.
Cassville Schools did not hold classes on Thursday or Friday, that is on Nov. 30 and Dec. 01. I find it almost hard to believe we are in the month of December the last month of the year. The New Year is just 30 days away.
If no one has noticed I enjoy blogging. That is why I am here now. I am thinking of doing another one on Biblical Manhood, but I wonder if I am the one to do that.
There is a policy I have for myself in blogging and that is that I will not edit the text I have written at some later date. If it has an error in it, that will stand. If I said something that was wrong toward someone else that will remain, but I may follow it up with an apology; where one is needed. I have no desire to unnecessarily offend anyone. My sole intent is that my life, my words - spoken or written - will glorify my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
As the title says it is a, "Cold, Snow and Ice Day". At least where I live. It would be great to be in Australia for there late Spring and Summer coming up.

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