Thursday, November 30, 2006

Post Thanksgiving

It was great to have the three days off from driving the School Bus, for what the School called Thanksgiving Break. It just did not last long enough. It is amazing how fast time goes by.
I think that part of the reason the time went by so fast, and it did not seem like there were five days involved in this past weekend, is because I spent most of the day at the hospital having an MRI done on me. They were trying to figure out why my blood pressure is being so obstinate. The report came back, "There is no significant problem"; whatever that means. For that I am thankful. Thank YOU Lord Jesus.
The question comes to my mind sometimes as to why I have high blood pressure. My thinking sometimes goes back to something I remember saying a few years ago in a sermon I preached, and speaking of holding bitterness, and anger toward others, as being the cause of such. I have searched my heart concerning this matter, and there is no one who I can think of which I am angry or bitter toward. Bitterness, anger, envy, and such things as that can cause physical problems. I still believe that. Will continue to believe that until I am shown otherwise.
Paul the apostle spoke of a "Thorn in the flesh" which God had given him to keep him humble concerning his heavenly experience. I sometimes feel that way about my blood pressure, but I have no word from God on that matter. I do know that my life is entirely in His hands. He is the one who is keeping me alive, and He is the only one who can take my life from me.
As I write this it is raining outside. There are predictions of a winter storm moving in with cold, ice, snow, freezing rain. Cassville Schools have been cancelled for the day. That is why I am still at the computer. I was getting ready to leave a few minutes ago when they called from the Bus Garage to let me know they had called school off today. They told me they had tried to get me earlier but the line was busy. That is the problem with having a single phone line and dial up internet service.
We had a great service at Carr Lane Baptist Church last evening. We finished the study in the fourth chapter of Romans. Isn't the grace of our Lord really marvellous. We also prayed for the sick, and for blessing and encouragement of our members.
Let me say that anyone coming across this blog is welcome to leave a comment. I am just particularly interested if you are a Blankenship, or know some Blankenship. Please let me know.

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