Friday, December 08, 2006


I got up this morning by the alarm shortly before 4. Out house was nice, toasty and warm, and I had no idea what the outside temp was until about an hour and one half later when I went to start the car. Brrrrrrr. the title is correct. I did not look at the thermometer in the car when I went to start it, but I did as I was leaving to go drive the bus.
As I pulled away the temp was four degrees. That is what I wrote 4 degrees. It is cold like this that makes me like 100 degree temps in July and August. I love the Summer temps. That is almost my favorite time of year.
I hope we are having an early Winter, then, when Winter officially arrives maybe it won't be so bad. Wouldn't that be nice.
Hope all are warm.
May God bless you all.

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