Here we are in the final week of January 2009, and we are being hit by a Winter storm. Ice is falling from the sky, and making the roads and streets slickery (that is a word coined by my grandson who is the picture on the left side of this blog), and unfit for travelling, so schools all over Southwest MO. has been cancelled today.
I was scheduled for a medical precedure today at 9:00 a.m., but that was postponed yesterday when the hospital called basically asking if I would do that - they left it up to me - saying that I might not be able to arrive there due to weather and some of the hospital staff may not be able to arrive either, and my prep for the precedure would need to be repeated when it is rescheduled. So, I told them to postpone it. I had requested a couple days off from driving the School bus due to this.
When it was known that the event was called off for today, I called my Supervisor and told him I could drive now. He went ahead and let me off for the evening run, because he already had a sub driver, and told me I could go ahead and plan on driving today, but today "NO School". That is a good thing considering the road conditions. I am already longing for Spring. I always look forward to Spring.
I am learning more everyday that our God is good. He is full of grace and mercy. What's Happening??? God is working and moving in mysterious ways, His wonders to perform.
-Tim A. Blankenship
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