Saturday, May 31, 2008

Summer Break, YEAH!!!

For some you don't know what it might mean by the term "Summer Break", however, everyone who has about anything to do with School, and its yearly sessions knows, at least those who are working from around the end of August to the end of May. There are workers of public schools, such as the maintenance people who work all year round, and they only get a week or so vacation each year. Thank you maintenance people and all year round workers at the public Schools, yes, even the Administrators.
Summer break is great for those who face the students each year, teaching them Reading, Riting and Rithmetic; you know the "3 R's". I am afraid, however, that it has now gone beyond the three R's to covering a lot of things that really should be left to parents, and churches. Then there are the Bus Drivers who always have their troubles behind them. Until you have driven a School Bus you have no idea how stressful the job is. The driver must always try and maintain a safe driving speed, keeping eyes on the road, watching the mirrors, and from time to time watching the kids. A sudden movement from one child can distract the driver, and if not careful can lead to a very serious accident, with a few children being seriously injured and, God forbid, maybe even killed.
I have sometimes wondered how I could handle it if I made such a grave mistake as to do something that would injure or kill a child while driving a Bus. I have determined that if I ever do, the School will not have to fire me; I would quit, and never drive a bus again. I pray that never happens.
Yeah! School bus driver's need the Summer Break, as do the teachers, and all who work with students while school is in session. Summer is not officially here, but it is here.
My wife and I just returned on Friday May 30 from spending a few days at our Baptist Associations Youth Camp at a place called Baptist Hill Assembly near Mount Vernon, Missouri. We fed about 196 youth, camp staff and CGL's for near to four days. We will return, the Lord willing, in July for Children's camp. We are working with a good group of of people, about nine total, as cooks. It is such a joy to see their faces light up as you feed them something they really enjoy eating.
May all have a great, safe, and God blessed Summer.
-Tim A. Blankenship


Anonymous said...

Bro. Tim, thought my hubby was gonna have a break from custodial work for the Christian School that he works for. the school relocated, though, and he's still working through the summer. Praise the Lord. We needed the income. God supplies. I pray you enjoy your break. selahV

Tim A said...

It is good to hear from you. One thing about driving my salary is split up into twelve months, so I will still be getting a pay check, without being there. It has already been earned.
At the beginning of our employment with the school we were given that option, and I chose the twelve month pay plan.
Thanks again, and have a great Summer.