Saturday, December 27, 2008

The Season of Christmas '08

It is now officially Winter as of the 21st of December. On that day it really turned out to be quite cold. My last day of driving the School Bus for the year of 2008 was on Friday December 19, and we had a Christmas dinner at 11 a.m. It is quite okay for me to call it dinner, because dinner has always been the time others call "lunch".

The bus drivers all agreed to bring their favorite dish or dessert, and we made a potluck dinner of it. I asked permission to bring my wife, and I was told, "If she is preparing the turkey you're bringing, then I wouldn't have even bothered asking", but maybe not quite that way.
I mentioned it being cold on that first day of Winter. The temps dropped down into the single numbers on that evening, but then it has warmed up to the sixties the day following Christmas, and today [Saturday 27th].
We had a great time with my siblings, my parents, my wife and kids, and my siblings spouses and kids and all the grandkids. There must have been nearly sixty present at my parents house. At our small home we had about 21, and is it ever crowded with only one bathroom, and really only one bedroom with an upstairs that is open. There are at least two families who stay upstairs overnight at Christmas time.
The most important time about Christmas is Jesus Christ, and remembering His birth, His incarnation as a man; the day that God became man, to dwell among us - Immanuel is "God with us". A great part of Christmas is the family get together.
I do need to admit that by the time it is all over I am ready for a break, and right now I am having a break. The house is empty with the exception of God and me. Those times do serve as a time to freshen your thoughts, and receive assurances from the Lord and His Word. I even went for a short walk this afternoon, and it was after the temps started to go down. It is beginning to feel like Winter again.
We may indeed have a strong, hard, snowy, icey Winter this year. I am praying we don't, but I have no say in the matter. I only pray for God's will, for safety, for warmth, and all our needs to be met, for the honor and glory of the Lord Jesus Christ.
It is always the season to be thankful. Even in the Winter.
-Tim A. Blankenship

Monday, December 15, 2008

For Anyone Who Is Interested

It has not been too many days ago that we had the first snow fall of the season. It, however, did not amount to much. For that I am glad. It is not that I don't like snow; I don't like cold weather, and it seems that the two just happen to go together.
Last night [Sunday] the weather suddenly turned from an almost balmy, warm Spring time temperature in the sixties during the afternoon to freezing and below. From the time my wife and I left our church the temp dropped fourteen degrees, and that was driving a short 17 miles. It only takes us about 30 minutes, with about one third of that time spent driving the last two miles to our home (it is a rough dirt/gravel road).
When I arose this morning, planning to go and drive my School Bus I looked out the window and everything looked pretty good. There was a dusting of snow on the car, but nothing bad. I spent time doing my quiet time and then blogging, and then got myself ready for leaving for town (also 17 miles away) to go and drive the Bus.
I got in the car, and was out of our driveway when my wife called me on my cell telling me "Joe called, and there is no school today" (Joe is our Supervisor for the bus drivers). Because there was no school I saved a little bit of gas.
I saw Joe later in town, and he told me there was a thin sheet of ice on the school parking lots, and that was mostly the reason for the cancellation. While my wife and I were in town it was snowing, and the weather reports are calling for 1 - 4 inches of it by morning. If we get that there will be no classes for Tuesday. Our last day of School for this year was going to be on Friday December 19, but we may get a few extra days, if things continue as they are.
That is one of the problems with Winter. Mostly it is the cold of Winter I dislike. I prefer to be warm, even hot compared to being cold. I like the seasons, and I thank God our Savior for giving me these days. I appreciate those warms days even more.
Have a great Winter, and be thankful to our Lord.
-Tim A. Blankenship

Monday, November 03, 2008

Headlights On the Road

This is just going to be a short reminder to those who drive the highways of our land. It is important that you be seen when you are on the highways driving a motorized vehicle. Some evidently do not realize how dangerous it is when they cannot be seen by other motorists.

Just this past Saturday morning near my place of dwelling, it was foggy, I was making a left turn into a gas station when all of the sudden there was a F150 pickup which did not have any headlights on. I made a quick and sudden decision and sharply and quickly got back into may lane, and there was no accident; thank the good Lord. The funny thing about this is the man driving the Ford pickup was some one that I know. I did not find that out until this morning when I entered the bus garage, before driving my bus route for the morning.

When we are on the highways we need to be as visible as we can possibly be. Safe driving is no accident. I do not claim to be the safest driver on the road, however, there are things which I endeavor to do which helps me to be more visible, and one of them is turning headlights on in the fog, even when it is light out. It is also wise to turn on headlights during cloudy days and rainy ones. Another time to have them on is at least thirty minutes before sunset, or sooner, and have them on up until at least thirty minutes after sunrise. It is a wise thing to even keep them on when driving long distances day or night. It is especially helpful when you drive a dark colored, and some other colors of car.

Better to arrive alive, than to the morgue dead. That is for you or the other driver.

-Tim A. Blankenship

Monday, October 06, 2008

It Is Autumn Once Again

It seems to come upon us quickly. Summer is too short to suit me. It could be Summer all year long and I would be happy. I do know some people who are my friends who like Winter weather, so I guess I am probably in a minority concerning Summer.
Autumn does have its beauties, and I can't be where it is Summer all year round - in fact I don't know if such a place even exists. On this planet, there are four seasons during the year wherever we may be. If it was Summer all year round though, things might begin to be a bit monotonous. I best be thankful for all four seasons of the year.
Our God and Creator of all things has made our earth, since the fall of man, to have the four seasons; and I think to remind us of lifes circle. Every life has a Spring and that takes place at our birth, then there is Summer, our Autumns, or Falls; whichever you wish to call it; then there is Winter in our lives where life has its end. The end is what not too many people like to deal with, talk about or confront.
There is a question I have always had in my mind. When whoever it was who came up with our present calendar (is it called the Gregorian calendar?), why didn't he begin the year with the first day of Spring, and end the year with the last day of Winter. That calendar would make a lot more sense; to me anyway. Wouldn't it make sense for January 1 be the first day of Spring, and December 31 be the last day of Winter?
Anyway here we go toward Winter, then thank the Lord, then Spring and then Summer. Thank the Lord He has designed things so.
-Tim A. Blankenship

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Disruptions or Designed for Faith

There has been an abundance of hurricane problems lately, especially for the folks along the coastal areas, and the Gulf. If you live in those areas know that I think and pray for you, and your faith to grow.
Living in Southwest Missouri we have our storms, tornadoes, etc., and we do receive some of the benefits and troubles of the hurricanes, when they come up from the Gulf.
Last evening when my wife and I went to bed for the evening, and rest, there was a calm rain coming down from the residual affects of hurricane Ike. Like I said it was a calm, mild pouring rain; no troubles right?
About 2:30 a.m. I awoke to complete darkness, similar to being in a cave with no lights on. Our house has never been so dark. Our electric power was off, the air was not on, nothing was running, no refridgerator, or freezer, and worst of all no light. I needed to get up for a little while, so I got out of bed found the wall with my hands, and worked my way to where I knew there was a flashlight. I got the flashlight, turned it on. Oh, how good it was to be able to see. Oh, how good it is to know that God has given me that ability to do so. I pray that I never lose the heart of thankfulness for my eyesight, or anything the Lord has given me.
When I got up this morning about 5:15, the power was back on. I am thankful; for I know that there are millions in Houston today who do not have power, and will not have it for a few days, maybe weeks; let us pray for these good people.
The water which crosses our road after we get out of our driveway was up over the road, and deeper. When we needed out to go to worship our Lord, it was down enough to cross it. That is when I saw that it had risen higher than it had been before, to my knowledge since we have lived here. We wouldn't have been able to get out at the depth it had reached.
We arrived at our church, had no Bible Study class, and we had three people present; including my wife and I. We had a hymn, read the fifteenth chapter of John, had prayer and came home.
I ask was this storm a disruption, or was it a design for faith. I choose to make it a design of faith. God always knows what He is doing. The prophet Nahum has written, "The LORD hath His way in the whirlwind, and in the storm, and the clouds are the dust of His feet." 1:3 (KJV).
We must learn to trust Him through every storm. The one's which are made up of wind, lightning, rain, and tornadoes and hurricanes; and the one's which are made up of our troubles, trials, fears, and sicknesses and diseases. Even these are in His hands, and He brings us through them, prepares us for the glory that is ahead.
-Tim A. Blankenship

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Going Again

It is going again. It seems, that without fail it never quits, though it would not be good for it to quit, because whether we like it or not; as children or as adults; we must have it. This is probably not a mystery to those of you who may read this; meaning, you probably know what I am writing about.
I won't mention the name of what I speak, but only give some clues, which will probably be quite obvious.
All Summer long these people aree busy preparing for the next year, and the people they help are on break. There are also some of the employees who are on break, because of a big yellow thing they steer down the roads to bring in the people who ride it. The distance the steerers take varys from only a few miles, and a few minutes to 150 to 175 miles per day.
The year round employees keep the grounds clean, the buildings in good repair and working well; and there aree those who make the plans, and take care of the day to day business during their months of quietness.
As I have been out steering one of these big yellow things down the roads I travel, the sun comes over the Eastern horizon, and is so beautiful, as it glows through the clouds, and morning fog. The deer, the coons, the squirells, rabbits, birds; such as the cardinal (red birds), blue bird, sparrow, crow; are all busy collecting their morning meals. The deer crossing the roads, and making many a steer man or woman be cautious as we approach them on the roads.
I didn't steer the big yellow thing on the first day. I was away for my son's surgery. He had heart surgery at age 28, and seems to be doing well, after a night of not doing too well.
It is good to be back. I pray that I will be strong in discipline of the people who ride, yet merciful when there is time for it, and that God will give me strength, and patient with them. I realize that I just asked God to help me be "patient", and that it's dangerous, because "Tribulation worketh patience" (Romans 5:3). I don't like tribulation, but I can appreciate it, when I grow nearer to the Lord because of it.
Monday morning will begin the first full week back on the big yellow thing. So Lord, give me your strength, and your patience.
-Tim A. Blankenship

Sunday, August 10, 2008

It's Time Again

There is a thing that seems to constantly sneak up on you. Most of you can probably figure out what I am talking about by the title. It's Time Again... that the sun comes up a little later of the morning. It's Time Again... that the sun sets a little earlier in the evening. It's Time Again... for a whole lot of things.
Can you believe that children are preparing for returning to school? When I was a kid I hated School and loved the Summer break. My problem was that the nine months of School lasted for nine years, and Summer break only for three days. However, It is that time again that Schools will be opening their doors to millions of School children; in the School for which I drive a School bus; that will only be in the 15 hundreds plus range.
Last year at this time I was really wondering if I would be driving anymore due to my high blood pressure, but I did, though I had problems with it a little later and was suspended from driving for two weeks because of it. I failed my physical provided by the School. I then went to my Physician and they worked with me, got my blood pressure down to an acceptable level, approved me for 3 months, but then, I guess it was not controlled.
Now, this year, on the eighth of August I went to the Physical provided by the School and my blood pressure was in the normal range, and I passed. Thank the Lord. For the past six months or so, when I check my BP it has been good, and for that I am grateful.
I guess I enjoy driving 50 or so screaming kids to and from School or something. I enjoy the people I work with. The drivers, the mechanics, and administration are all like a part of a family, and it seems that all are treated with great respect. School has not even started yet, and we have eight Sub drivers. At the end of the School year we only had one. The School gave the drivers a little pay raise, and every little bit helps. Thank YOU Lord.
It's Time Again... at least about time; for the people on the highways to keep their eyes and ears open for the sight of those big yellow monsters, called School buses, and the little ones who will be riding them.
-Tim A. Blankenship

Monday, July 21, 2008

Summer - Well Under Way

The last I wrote here it was the end of May, and it was late Spring though Summer vacation had begun for many students of schools.
As of the last writing my wife and I had been cooks at the Youth Camp for Barry County Baptist Association, actually helpers in the kitchen. It was a great time. We were also looking forward to the birth of our eleventh grandchild, and third grand son. Eli Andrew was born June 30, 2008; around 10 a.m. at the mammoth weight of 7 pounds and 14 ounces, and was the grand length of 22 inches.
On July 4 we participated in our families annual fourth of July picnic down at the old swimming hole, had food, and fireworks, and fire arms sounding the sounds of the revolution. On Sunday evening of July 6, following our evening worship at Carr Lane Baptist Church; Madge and I went to Baptist Hill Campgrounds to help cook for Barry County Baptist Children's Camp. That was a great four or five days. There were five decisions to trust Jesus Christ as personal Lord and Savior and about 20 other decisions with four of those being rededications to Christ, and the rest pretty much relating to surrender to Christian service.
The Summer is going good, getting hot, but it sure could be hotter. God is good. God is greater than our thoughts, greater than our deeds. He alone is worthy of praise and glory.
I am thankful for this Summer and every day God gives us.
Live the rest of the Summer for the Lord.
-Tim A. Blankenship

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Summer Break, YEAH!!!

For some you don't know what it might mean by the term "Summer Break", however, everyone who has about anything to do with School, and its yearly sessions knows, at least those who are working from around the end of August to the end of May. There are workers of public schools, such as the maintenance people who work all year round, and they only get a week or so vacation each year. Thank you maintenance people and all year round workers at the public Schools, yes, even the Administrators.
Summer break is great for those who face the students each year, teaching them Reading, Riting and Rithmetic; you know the "3 R's". I am afraid, however, that it has now gone beyond the three R's to covering a lot of things that really should be left to parents, and churches. Then there are the Bus Drivers who always have their troubles behind them. Until you have driven a School Bus you have no idea how stressful the job is. The driver must always try and maintain a safe driving speed, keeping eyes on the road, watching the mirrors, and from time to time watching the kids. A sudden movement from one child can distract the driver, and if not careful can lead to a very serious accident, with a few children being seriously injured and, God forbid, maybe even killed.
I have sometimes wondered how I could handle it if I made such a grave mistake as to do something that would injure or kill a child while driving a Bus. I have determined that if I ever do, the School will not have to fire me; I would quit, and never drive a bus again. I pray that never happens.
Yeah! School bus driver's need the Summer Break, as do the teachers, and all who work with students while school is in session. Summer is not officially here, but it is here.
My wife and I just returned on Friday May 30 from spending a few days at our Baptist Associations Youth Camp at a place called Baptist Hill Assembly near Mount Vernon, Missouri. We fed about 196 youth, camp staff and CGL's for near to four days. We will return, the Lord willing, in July for Children's camp. We are working with a good group of of people, about nine total, as cooks. It is such a joy to see their faces light up as you feed them something they really enjoy eating.
May all have a great, safe, and God blessed Summer.
-Tim A. Blankenship

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Missed the Wading This Time

We received a whole lot of rainfall this past Wednesday night and early Thursday morning. When I woke to prepare myself for the day, and to go and drive the School Bus morning run I wondered if I would be able to cross our low water bridges below our home. I waited until it was time to go to check it out, and the rain kept pouring down out of the skies.

After I had tended to my devotional reading and prayer, tended my blogs, and took my morning dose of medicine [at least some of it] I got in the car and headed down our washed out driveway to the main road. When I arrived there I could see the water was rolling quite rapidly across the bridge, and was almost whitecapping. I pulled the front of our car into the edge of it, sat there and looked at it, thought about crossing, then I decided not to attempt it. Attempting it was what I did not want to be successful at. Attempts without successful crossing happens to far too many people. One local TV station in Springfield, and one of their Meteorologist has a saying concerning water across roadways, "Turn around, don't drown", so that is exactly what I did.

I then, turned around and went to see how the other side looked, and it was worse. I had already called into the Bus Garage and told them I could not get out. The one mechanic at the Garage who is familiar with where I live said, "I was afraid of that". That is the first time in almost two years we have lived here that I could not get out, when I wanted out. There has been a time or two I could not drive the car back to the house because of high water, but I could cross on foot by wading.

The water from all the rainfall we have been getting has nowhere to go now. The ground is soaked to the point of being like a sponge in some places, and you sink in the ground as you walk across it.

I don't want anyone to take me wrong in this writing. I am not complaining about all the rain. I actually find it adventurous, and something new. I do feel for those whose homes and lives have been drastically changed because of it. I am sure they find no adventure in any of it. Many of these homes are far above flood stage, and no one ever suspected that they would ever be flooded, but now they have been. We really just never know. I do remember the rainbow.

I am thankful that I MISED THE WADING THIS TIME.

-by Tim A. Blankenship

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

A Spring Storm

Here in Southwest Missouri we have seen a good amount of Spring thunderstorms. I get the chance to view the activity of some of them. I love watching the bolts of lightning as they flash across the sky, and light up the darkness. Not too many months ago I had just driven out on a nearby highway headed into Cassville about 5:30 a.m. during a storm, and a bolt of lightning came down pretty close to where I was. You talk about a loud clap of thunder, and I let out a whoop. It startled me at first, but then I thought WOW!!!, that was awesome

This morning as I was driving into Cassville, and it was about fifteen minutes later or about 5:45 a.m. and off near the horizon; that I could see; there was a flash of lightning that lit up the whole western sky within the clouds. That was a beautiful sight to behold. It made me think of Nahum 1:3, "The LORD is slow to anger and great in power, and will not at all acquit the wicked. The LORD has His way in the whirlwind and in the storm, and the clouds are the dust of His feet." (NKJV).

The other night some had heard that a nearby community; the one that I grew up in; was under a tornado warning. Some of our family called to check on us, worried that we might have been near it. I went outside, looked to the south, and southwest, then all around, and there were no low lying clouds, not any that looked threatening at all. A daughter in law called doing the same thing, and her husband, our son, could be heard in the background saying, "Tell Dad to come in from watching that tornado". My kids know me. I have always enjoyed the storms. I have to admit that should we ever get hit by a tornado I might not be so anxious to see one again, but then I don't know.

I hurt and weep for those who are touched by the storms; whethere it is by flooding, winds, tornadoes, hail, or lightning it would be a horrible thing. In the midst of all this though we must remember "The LORD has His way in the whirlwind and in the storm, and the clouds are the dust of His feet." He is sovereign and in control of even the storms that touch our lives. Even the storms that have to do with sickness, finances, and He especially cares for our spiritual need of knowing Him. This wasn't meant to be a sermon or even a Bible Study, but I hope any who read it may find encouragement in their storm.

There will be many more storms, much more lightning, more tornadoes, more hail, more straight line winds, and there will be more destruction, and more lives touched by the storms. How we handle them declares our faith in God or our lack thereof.

The next time you see that bolt of lightning, or a flash which I saw this morning, remember who is much more powerful than all the lightning ever lightninged [new word!!!], and the winds that have ever blown, all the tornadoes that have ever twisted their way through cities, farms, towns and homes, and more powerful than all the floods that ever flowed. His name is Jesus. To that I say WOW!!!!!

-by Tim A. Blankenship

Friday, March 21, 2008

It Is Spring Again

The past few days here in Southwest MO. has been wet. Wet may not be big enough word for it. It has been downright in the, at least next to the Noahic Flood proportions. That is probably slightly overstating the situation, but I know that is how some of us have felt. Some have even accused me of building an "Ark" and getting ready to float away.

Life sure is interesting at times. One week we are dismissing schools due to snow, ice, and winter storms. The next week we are getting out of school early due to flooding rainfall. Letting out early so as to be sure we get the kids home without buses getting cut off, and such.

Well! Welcome to the second day of Spring 2008. It is great. I have never made any secret to Spring and Summer being my two favorite seasons of the year. It seems that I am especially appreciative of this Spring. Snow, ice and cold just doesn't do anything for me. I don't complain about it. It is the days our Lord have given us, and they do have their function and purpose, and they too give glory to their Creator.

Let me tell you about my last two or three days of Winter with Spring affects. Monday night March 17 we received a large amount of rainfall. Tuesday morning when I drove down our driveway toward the road I was wondering about my ability to cross the branch which crosses the road on both sides of our access. When I got to it I saw it deeper than any other time I had crossed; I looked and debated with myself whether it would be the right thing, and safe thing to cross or not, and finally decided I would cross. I did, and made it across in good shape. Upon returning home the branch had risen considerably, with the waters wavy rolling across the crossing. I decided not to cross in the car, but to find a fallen tree across it upstream or something. I walked upstream for awhile until I found a mangled mess of two or three trees which reached across. It was still raining, I crossed, walked to the house, soaked and ready to get my jacket off and my feet dry.

The School called me about noon, and told me they were lining up the buses at 1:15 p.m. to take the students home. The water was still rising. The rain was still falling, and at times in record proportions. As I walked back to the car, I once again crossed the mangled trees, got successfully to the other side, jumped down on the bank, at which time that bank collapsed and the bank and myself went down into the stream up to my knees. I crawled out even wetter than I hoped I would be, went on to the car, and went and drove my kids home.

When I came home that afternoon, the water was higher, and I decided to keep the car on the side it was on and just wade across the low water bridge. I have been around these waters around here for a long time, and I know what it can do so I was very cautious in doing it. I slowly put one foot in front of the other, through the water, got stable in the fast moving water, then would move the other. By the way, it was only about knee deep, but there is a whole lot of power in knee deep water moving with any speed. I made it safely home, took off my wet shoes, socks, and clothes and got comfortable.

The next morning going back to drive the School bus, I did the same thing. It had gone done an inch or two measuring on my knees, but was still a bit swift. I almost lost my balance, but managed to regain it. I sure didn't want to fall down; I don't think I could have stopped too quickly. On my return home the stream had receded some more, and I drove the car up to our house. I was glad.

I have had quite the adventure. I like adventure. I am thankful that the Lord is my Caretaker, and that He is still watching over all who are His, and over those who are not His. I am so glad that it is Spring, and that the grass will begin turning green, the easter lillies are blooming, the birds are singing the peepers are peeping. It is so good to know that "The LORD hath His way in the whirlwind and in the storm, and the clouds are the dust of His feet" (Nahum 1:3b).

-by Tim A. Blankenship

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Winter's Cold Ice - Again

It has happened once again. The State of Missouri has been hit with an ice storm again. I think this makes the third one in the past 13 months. In January of 2007 several thousand homes were without power, and for quite some time people were hurting without heat, and the comfort of their homes.

I don't know of any in my area who have lost power. I must give our Electric Cooperative applause for their maintenance of our electric lines. The Barry Electric Cooperative is very good at keeping the wires cleared of timber and brush. Even that though, sometimes is not enough. This ice can grow quite heavy as it builds up on the lines. These men are ever vigilant to keep the power on and for that I am grateful to them, as should be all their customers. Let me make one thing clear before I continue with this post; I am not an employee of the cooperative, but only a customer, and I guess since it is a Rural Cooperative I am a member as well, who is very proud of these men and women who keep it going.

This is being written on the second day of school cancellation at the Cassville School District. My usual departing time for the morning - to go and drive the school bus - is about 5:15 a.m., and it takes me approximately 30 minutes to get to the bus garage. When I left yesterday morning it was about that same time. There was ice on the car, which I had to break loose from the door, then started the car, took the ice scraper to the windows, then departed. I had gotten nearly half way to Cassville when my wife called my cell phone and told me that my Supervisor had called with his automated call, and informed all drivers there was no school.

I found a place to turn around, and I came back home. The roads were getting "slickery". That word "slickery" is a word I learned from my four year old grandson. I liked it so I use it here. They were icing, slushy, and driving carefully is required in such conditions. When I found a good place to turn around I came home. Then, it continued to pile up some more.

The temps are not bitterly cold, but it is still Winter, and I am still waiting for Spring to arrive. I have never made it any secret that Spring and Summer are my two favorite seasons of the year. I am, however, very grateful to our God and Creator, for everyday of life and living. It all comes from Him.

Thursday, January 31, 2008

A Winter Storm

They said it was coming. Who said it was coming? This Winter storm. When I arose from the bed this morning there was not a flake of snow to be seen, and I found out almost two hours later that there did not appear to be a cloud in the sky. Sometimes I am amazed how accurate the weather people can be in their predictions. I guess it is all that stuff they call technology, sattelite, GPS, and all that.

It has not been bitterly cold. I am thankful for that. I don't do very well in the cold. Especially when the electric bill comes due, and that is what we heat with. That is our choice. I am also thankful that we have not experienced a major power outage like some other places and people I know. We would be in a world of hurtin'.

When I jumped in the car to go to Cassville School Bus Garage to drive the bus, there was a moon shining down from above with a few stars that I could see. I left about 5:15 a.m. and arrived there at 5:45 a.m. There were three buses already headed out for their morning pickup of the kids. Two more headed out shortly after I arrived. One driver radioed in from one of her farthest points, "Snow is falling and covering the roads. What do you want me to do?" The decision was made to call them in, ie., the five that had already departed. School was called off for the day.

After helping shut down the engines on the other buses, I got back in our car and came home. It is good to have a day off, but I would rather get out earlier at the end of the year. I guess I just needed the day. Thank the Lord. He always knows what is best for us.

The snow is still falling, and if it continues we probably will not be in school on Friday. There are some pretty wicked roads here in Southwest MO. with curves, hills, hollers, and many of the roads here have no shoulders; only ditches. It can be fun navigating at times.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Latest Happenings

Since I last posted Winter has arrived, and in some parts of our Nation, with a vengeance. We have had a bit of cold weather, into the lower teens, but that isn't too bad. Besides that it didn't hang on and last forever. The longest spell of below freezing we have had was about three days, and that was just at the beginning of January. I am, however, already looking forward to Spring.

I went to the cardiologist in early December to have him tell me that the EKG showed "no significant sign of a problem". I do have an appointment to return on the twenty third of January for and ECG.

The family and I had a wonderful Christmas. The wife and I's kids went together got us a Crossley entertainment cabinet. It is an old style look radio, with CD player, audio cassette player, and turntable for 33, 45's and 78 records. That was a really pleasant surprise and gift for us. We have been enjoying it.

Back before Christmas the Eastern part of Southern Missouri was hit pretty hard with an icestorm, which left a lot of people in the Joplin area without power, no lights, no heat, no television (Oh no!). Our son James and his wife Amber were in the thick of that, and were without power for about 9 days. They did get to come for Christmas. Their power was on shortly before that.

On Tuesday a friend and I went to Branson to see a mutual friend in the Skaggs Hospital there. As we were about to get off the elevator on the floor he was on, my cell phone rang, and it was my sister Judy. "Guess what Dad just did", she said. I said, "I wouldn't have a clue". She said, "He rolled his truck". My answer to that was, "WHAT?!", and I know I placed a question mark and an exclamation mark after that, because I am not sure which it was. Yes, he had rolled his old blue Ford pickup truck. He wasn't injured any, except maybe his pride. Evidently he has experienced no pain from bruising or anything either. He has been trying to get used to a prosthesis on his right leg. That may have played some part in the incident. It also was on the farm away from any major roads.

At the beginning of this week, Tuesday evening and into the early hours of Wednesday morning there was a consistent storm of tornadic activity hitting in the Northwestern part of Barry County. We live in middle Eastern part of the said County. That storm is very hard to describe. It took a path in a straight line. One tornado warning would come to a town, and then after it passed another one on the same path would be right behind it. Homes, businesses, and some lives were taken in areas further from us.

Near 3 a.m. my wife and I were awakened by a strong straight wind. It was near time for me to get up for the day, so I just got up, and Madge went back to bed. The wind died down and everything proceeded as normal the rest of the day, at least for us. May the Lord help those who were touched and harmed by this storm, and especially those who lost loved ones.

There is no one who is not touched by some sort of storm in their lives. If they are not presently they shortly will be.

"If I never had a problem, how could I know that God could solve them." Isn't that in a good old song or something.