It is going again. It seems, that without fail it never quits, though it would not be good for it to quit, because whether we like it or not; as children or as adults; we must have it. This is probably not a mystery to those of you who may read this; meaning, you probably know what I am writing about.
I won't mention the name of what I speak, but only give some clues, which will probably be quite obvious.
All Summer long these people aree busy preparing for the next year, and the people they help are on break. There are also some of the employees who are on break, because of a big yellow thing they steer down the roads to bring in the people who ride it. The distance the steerers take varys from only a few miles, and a few minutes to 150 to 175 miles per day.
The year round employees keep the grounds clean, the buildings in good repair and working well; and there aree those who make the plans, and take care of the day to day business during their months of quietness.
As I have been out steering one of these big yellow things down the roads I travel, the sun comes over the Eastern horizon, and is so beautiful, as it glows through the clouds, and morning fog. The deer, the coons, the squirells, rabbits, birds; such as the cardinal (red birds), blue bird, sparrow, crow; are all busy collecting their morning meals. The deer crossing the roads, and making many a steer man or woman be cautious as we approach them on the roads.
I didn't steer the big yellow thing on the first day. I was away for my son's surgery. He had heart surgery at age 28, and seems to be doing well, after a night of not doing too well.
It is good to be back. I pray that I will be strong in discipline of the people who ride, yet merciful when there is time for it, and that God will give me strength, and patient with them. I realize that I just asked God to help me be "patient", and that it's dangerous, because "Tribulation worketh patience" (Romans 5:3). I don't like tribulation, but I can appreciate it, when I grow nearer to the Lord because of it.
Monday morning will begin the first full week back on the big yellow thing. So Lord, give me your strength, and your patience.
-Tim A. Blankenship
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