I just looked in the MIRRIAM/WEBSTER DICTIONARY to make sure I was spelling the word "Autumn" correctly. I was, and noticed the definition was, "The season between Summer and Winter." That is a correct definition.
I must admit Autumn or Fall is not my favorite season of the year. It has its beauties, with the changing of the leaves on the trees, especially here in the State of Missouri; the hills are full of color. It is amazing how our God paints such a beautiful picture even in the picture of aging and dying. Therein lies the reason Autumn is not my favorite time of year. I appears as death and dying. It is not that I fear dying or death, because I know where I am spending eternity, and that is with my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
One of the things I don't like about it is the cold. I like being warm, and even being hot is not as hard to bear. I can cool down much easier and in a more enjoyable fashion, than by trying to get warm. When it turns cold, I am never warm; that is not to say that I am freezing or anything like that. The cold just gets in me, and I am not warm until Spring comes around again.
I am not liking this Fall especially. I went to the doctor yesterday, and my blood pressure was way high, and he grounded me/suspended me from driving the School Bus. It is for an indefinite period. I am hopeing that when I go back to see him on Monday he can renew my health certificate and I can get back to driving. I am appreciative of a Supervisor at the School who is willing to work with me, give me a medical leave, keep my route for me, and get paid while I am off too. I have twenty days of sick leave, so that should be taken care of. One thing the doctor told me was that he was going to get me an appointment with a cardiologist. I don't know when that will be yet.
If things don't work out with driving, then, I know the Lord has something greater in mind. This Fall/Autumn is the season of color, and a reminder that life on this earth is not forever. God is in control of life and that is what makes the whole year, and the four seasons so interesting. Life might be a little boring if every day was the same, and every season of the years, as well as the seasons of life.
My wife and I went to the Missouri Baptist Convention the week of October 29-31 at the Tan-Tara Resort on the Lake of the Ozarks. It is a beautiful location, the weather was great, and some events of the Convention were disappointing; but the preaching was great, and the singing was fantastic. God is good.
Brother Tim, I like Autumn. I think God placed it between Summer (the time of harvest) and Winter (the time of rest and habitation) to remind us that He wants us to rest. To remind us that all the splendor of the world is His and in Him is the rest we need. And when just in case we miss the autumn splendor, He causes rest to bring us to that understanding. Feed on Him, my brother. You are such a delight to read. And your words are ever growing beneath the surface of the His garden soil.
The value and worth of your seeds will burst forth in the Spring of His time. selahV
Thank you so much for your encouraging words.
Thanks also for coming and reading what this country boy has to say.
You have a good view of Autumn and Winter.
God bless you.
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