I am not one to complain; at least not too often. The price of gas, however, gets into the pocketbood, and I have very little there to spare, as many in this great nation of our do.
With Oil Companies making record profits - something I heard around 16 billion dollars in a quarter this year. They say they put those profits back into exploration, but let me say something; PROFITS ARE COUNTED AFTER ALL EXPENSES ARE COUNTED, and that includes EXPLORATION.
Until just a few days ago I had not thought much about that. Someone pointed it out to me, and that is correct. You count profit after all expenses are deducted. Is EXPLORATION not an expense. It is an expense.
There is no doubt that we are the most fuel consuming nation on earth; and we even have some of the cheapest prices, and for that we should be thankful.
These prices, however, are going to put the poor of our country completely out of commission. Maybe we don't care for the poor. Then, we are headed for a really big catastrophe. It will be more than a problem with Oil; it will and is a problem with our Creator.
When gas reached 2 dollars per gallon I had to start watching where, when, and how often I drove. Now that it is 3 dollars plus it has become even more necessary.
I don't guess there is anything that can be done about it. I can be thankful for what I have and realize that God is still in control, and He supplies my every need. I do pray that I can and will be a better steward of His resources. How about you?