Monday, April 30, 2007

God Changes People

It is amazing how God works and changes people. When people are called to faith in Christ by the Spirit of God they believe, trust, obey, and just become all around better people.
Take myself for an example. I was saved at the age of eleven years. God's grace has continually been with me, even though, when I was in my teen years I did things for which I am not proud. I am gravely afraid that I offended the One who loved me enough to give His life for me. I also know that I have even since becoming an adult. It is wonderful and great to know that I am His, and He is mine.
Something has began to happen to me which I really never thought possible. I am enjoying do some garden work. I never enjoyed working in the dirt as a boy, and even into adulthood, and now, here I am fifty two years of age, and I have been riding a tractor, plowing a garden, digging that garden to tear up the sod patches, and smooth the ground using a harrow. Harrow, that is a new farming implement for me. Never used one until today. Got the garden ready for planting.
As I have mentioned in a previous article; I have not plowed ground in many years. The old blue Ford tractor still does not have power steering, and now it definitely wears me out; and probably quicker than the soil gets ready.
God is so good, His mercy is everlasting, and His grace is so full and free.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

A Journal

"I don't know why, but there has been a new hope come in my heart. I don't physically see any hope, but at least there is some in my heart. This hope is for a better financial situation. That maybe all it is, and that is just wishful thinking.
It seems that I have always been a dreamer, but I have never worked toward those dreams. Most of my dreams have always been material oriented, I believe. Even when I have dreamed things in spiritual matters it seems, they have been for my good, and not God's glory. I do not believe I have ever seen any spiritual fruit come from my "spiritual" dreams.
Lord, give me YOUR visions and dreams for YOUR glory alone. AMen."
This was written in my own personal journal by hand on April 22, 2007. I find it rewarding to write thoughts and feelings onto paper. This is the first that I will have shared with the public. I don't think it will be the last. And, BTW, I know you are not supposed to use contractions in writing, unless it is in a quote, or something like that. To Everything...A Season.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

The Smile of God

My wife, Madge and I were getting near home this evening and I had been noticing the moon. You can't see much of it; there is the faint outline of the whole moon, but in darkness; with the exception of a long curved lighted bottom. I had thought that was rather odd.
I do not remember ever seeing the moon in that phase. I said something to Madge about it, and she said, "A smiley face". I told YEAH!, I had not thought of it that way and then, I said, "It's as though God is smiling down on us.
I still think that is a pretty neat moon; especially if it is a reminder of God's good grace toward His people, and a smile to the world of His mercy.
He is smiling down on you. He loves you. Love Him by loving His Son Jesus Christ.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

The Return

It was here for quite a bit of the month of March, at least two weeks. It brought pleasant temps, the ground was warmed, and most people I know loved it. The grass turned green and grew. Flowers blossomed and bloomed. Tulips were popping up in gardens everywhere. Even the oaks were beginning to spring forth with new leaves.
I am, of course, speaking of Spring. It was here and then, it went on a two week vacation. We were left with remnants of Winter. There were mornings when I went out to get in the car, go drive the bus, and the windows were covered in frost. I even started wearing my jacket once again. I love this time of year. Spring and Summer are my favorite seasons. The Falls of the Ozarks are beautiful when the trees begin to change. The colors are beautiful driving through the hills. Winters have their own beauty too, but I cannot stand the cold. I can tolerate, but only because I grew up here and live here.
My wife and I lived in the Northern part of Southern California for 16 months, and I could enjoy that type of Winter for a long time. We moved back here, though, and we love it here.
Like a good, old and faithful friend Spring has returned, and I am hoping he stays around ; at least until Summer arrives.
Welcome back Spring.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Plowing Along

Many have heard someone say, "I am just plowing along", meaning, of course, that they are struggling along with life, but they are progressing. That is not what I mean by the title.
I did something on Monday April 09, 2007 that I had not done in many years. First of all I rode the old farm tractor that I ran into a tree when I was a boy of about twelve years of age. That is right - I ran it into a tree, or maybe I should say, it rolled into a tree after I jumped off to catch my horse or something, and I did not set the brake, and it ran into a tree. It was a brand new tractor at the time. That is not what this is about though.
The reason for riding the tractor was to take it to the old home place where my father grew up, and plow the old garden spot. My Dad told me several months ago that he would like for the family to have a garden spot down at the old house, and nothing was ever done about it. So, I was setting out to do something about it. With my brother Steven's help, we got the tractor and plow ready, and then, I headed over there.
It was a little tough plowing a little piece of ground that had not been plowed in probably thirty five years or more. Old fescue roots build up in that sod, and just make it plumb tough. I don't believe I did a very good job. It had been twenty five years or more since I had plowed anything. The old tractor has no power steering, never did, and it is harder to steer now than it ever was.
Anyway when I returned home I was really tuckered out. I did not do anything all evening. We will be planting some things there soon. Now some reading this may think, "Shouldn't things have been planted already?" Most usually, yes. This year; NO! We have had a freeze the past week. The first week of April has been quite damaging to the things that came out and bloomed. This freeze has even set the oaks back some for sure. So NO! We are in good shape for planting a garden.
Until next time.
Tim A.

Monday, April 02, 2007


As I was driving my School Bus route this morning; it was the first time since beginning this route two weeks ago that I had seen the lake as the sun came up.
I enjoy being up before the sun rises. I use to almost hate being up that early, but I did not know what I was missing. Of course during that time I was also more of a 'Nightowl' and stayed up till all hours of the night and into the morning at times. I know that I would much rather be up and going early and see the sun rising than going on and on and on after sunset.
Now for those who like the sunset, I can also agree with you, but to me there is something special about sunrise. It signals the beginning of a brandnew day. It is the sign of new things. It is hope that this day will be better than the one before.
As I drove by the lake with the sun not yet up over the horizon I could see the reflection of the tree covered Ozarks hills in the waters with the glow of sunrise. I see that and I think, 'My how wonderful our God, our Creator is. That He could make this all for us.'
Let me challenge you; if you have not seen a sunrise in a while try it Tuesday morning April 03, 2007. If you make it that far, then, be thankful that you made it another day.