Wednesday, April 20, 2011

It's Spring Now Two Thousand Eleven

This Spring is wracking up the numbers.  Numbers of mysterious events in our lives. My family and I that  is.  We enjoy Spring.  I know I do.

It is amazing how you can plan to do things, get things done around the house, yard, garden and such, and there are inconveniences and mysterious events taking place which work at odds to prevent it - what you have planned that is.

I have plowed and worked a bit of a garden.  I have an acre and a half of yard to mow, and now things have been slowed for now.

Last Fall my wife had heart surgery, and we moved into a new home by the end of October.  We have been slowly laboring to improve things around the house and such. Build a fence around it so cattle don't get near the house and tear things up, as well as mess up the yard, spread ticks and such.  Moving dirt has been a chore we were doing as well.

Now I have had to go into the hospital for an angiogram, and it was discovered that I had a lot of blockage in the vessels of my heart.  They put in 3-4 stints; one of them doubled to make it long enough for one blockage; and on Monday I will return to the hospital for more stints, I think a couple more.  I am off of work for at least two weeks, and who really knows.

I don't mean to sound as if I am complaining, but rather I laugh as I think of what I have written.  I laugh because our plans often fall far short of what God has planned for our lives.  His plan always out weighs our own; and is the one plan that is far better than our own.

I don't know what the Creator has in His plan, but I can trust and know that it is for my good, your good and for His own glory.

I still love Spring.  I will always love Spring.  The grass returns to greening, the leaves bud and sprout on the trees, flowers bloom, gardens grow; and so much more.  It is a time for growing; and that's how I looking at what is happening in life right now.

-Tim A. Blankenship

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